(idk what I'm doing just going with the flow 😂)
Jonah POVI woke up the next morning with Corbyn beside. I smiled remembering the other night. I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. When I was done eating I sat on top of the counter on my phone until someone took my phone out if my hand I look up and it's Corbyn he pecked my lips we both smiled " there's some food on the table if you want it" I said to him he nodded.
———time skip to the mall———
We were walking around the mall looking for some new clothes we went to urban outfitters. The we headed to the food court for some pizza. Once we ordered and go out food there was this guy that keeps looking at me it's weird Corbyn he was not happy. After we got done we left and went home. When we arrived home we put everything away and sat on the couch watching movies "your jealous" I laughed "shut up" he said rolling his eyes "come on it's cute when your jealous" I cooed he playfully rolled his eyes I giggled "what movie do you want to watch?" I asked "princess and the frog?" He said "I knew I loved you for a reason" I giggled out "you love me?" He asked "of course I do...do you love me?" I asked he looked me in the eyes and kissed me passionately he pulled away "does that answer your question?" He said I giggled "I don't know how bout we try again?" We both laughed. The he showered me with kisses I giggled "okay okay okay you love me and I love you" I said he nodded with a smiled. The we watched princess and the frog till we fell asleep.————————————————
Okay okay.i have know idea what that was but at least I updated 😂
Anyways hmu with ideas bc I have none 😂 so plz give me some lol okay that's it for now and make sure to vote and comment
(Follow me on Instagram : itzzyourgirl_daniOkay bye )