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"Have my leg"

"Have my fist"

"That's all I need right now"

Midoriya awoke to the familiar whitewashed walls and sickly green curtains. Along with the scent of antiseptic wafting in the room.

He was at a hospital. Along with Iida and Todoroki.

It all came rushing back, they fought Stain, and they had won.

Looking at everyone's battered state, along with his bandaged arms.

Well, it came at a price.

A fit of coughs racked his body. And his throat felt raspy.

Water, I need water.

Reaching to the glass beside him, he downed it at one go. It helped ease the raspiness, that was about all.

Not only that , but the talk with the police chief didn't go as well too, they wouldn't be recognized for their effort, but it wasn't their fault either, so Midoriya couldn't stay glum for long.

There was one more obstacle which he was more worried on.

Their exams.

With the help of coffees and severe mugging, he would be able to pass his written exams, but what he was more worried about were his practical exams.

He hadn't been able to train properly due to him banging up his arm during the UA sports festival, it was barely recovered before he involved himself with the hero killer.

Time was of the essence.

He was glad he were discharged, he couldn't stand the fact that he was wasting time.

Bidding goodbye to Iida and Todoroki, he set out back home. He didn't need his mother to fetch him, he was still fine, plus he wouldn't want to worry her either.

Stepping on the familiar concrete, Midoriya couldn't help feeling light as the evening suns rays glowed, casting gentle shadows, highlighting the cherry blossoms. He absorbed the beauty and committed it to memory, amazed by how being cooped up in a hospital for several days made him hungry for such simple things in life.


That was totally not a simple thing in his life right now.

That brazen voice could only point to one person, whom he did not wish to see right now.

Are you serious, what are the chances I meet Kacchan out here.

Bakugou was behind him, not close enough, but not far enough either, just enough to hear his words, but not to convey any sense of longing whatsoever.

Midoriya didn't want to talk to him right now, but despite himself egging his legs to continue walking, they stopped.

The footsteps stopped too.

"Oi, Deku."

He didn't turn around, he was afraid that he would break if he met those fiery red eyes.

"What is it... kacchan." He murmured, pain blossoming in his heart as it clenched.

"You suddenly sprouted a quirk even though you're quirkless since you were a damn child, not only that, but you also entered UA Academy?"

It had been a long time they had a normal conversation, but Midoriya wasn't sure if this was considered a normal conversation at all.

His tone was neutral, but Midoriya detected a undertone of anger.

"Why did I not know? Shitty nerd."

Midoriya bit down on his teeth, hoping that he was able to hold his feelings in just for a little while longer.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan. I didn't want to keep it from you."

He must have sounded pathetic, but it was true. He didn't have a choice.


"You should never have come to UA, life would have been so much better if you weren't there." Bakugou continued.

Midoriya was shocked by the bitterness in his voice, one of both betrayal and rage. As he felt his eyes widen and blur.

"Fucking hell, why couldn't you just do what I told you?"

What did he tell me?

"You should never have come, but now you're here, and it's a pain in the ass."

Midoriya felt like he was being stabbed.

Bakugou hated him for just existing?

That was cruel on so many levels.

"Sorry, Kacchan..." Midoriya couldn't find any proper words to say without letting everything out, his feelings were like a dam that was going to destruct any moment. He wanted to just crawl into a corner and die, it was so much better than loving him sometimes.

Without any warning, Midoriya turned around. Despite his mind screaming at him not to.

His eyes met the ruby red eyes he loved so much, his tilt of his chin, his ash blond hair. He wore a look of anger and slight shock, as he took in Midoriya's eye bags, his glistening eyes, his battered self.

Where did I go wrong, I wonder.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan."

The first tears fell from his face, dripping onto the pavement, gleaming in the sunlight.

"I'm sorry"

Midoriya started running away.

"I'm so sorry"

He knew Bakugou wouldn't chase after him.

He knew he wouldn't be able to hear his words anymore.

But still, he couldn't stop, repeating his words like a mantra.

"I'm so sorry"


It's too painful right now.

A/N: Tomorrow is beloved Bakugou's birthday!! Happy early birthday my lord explosion murder, I love you to bits  💕

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