Chapter Eleven

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**Meghan’s POV**

The next day the doorbell rang, waking me up at the ungodly hour of eight o’clock in the morning. I sighed, rolling out of bed and trudging down the stairs and to the door. I pulled it open to see all the guys standing outside my door with huge smiles on their faces. They walked in, each hugging me and placing a kiss on my cheek before they headed to my kitchen.

"We’re making breakfast!" Zayn told me with a cute grin. I nodded, yawning and heading back upstairs. "Get changed and ready for the day, we’re taking you out!" Harry called happily before I reached the top. I sighed, heading into my room.

I pushed clothes around in my closet until I decided on a simple sundress, since it’s nice outside today. “What’s for breakfast?” I asked when I entered the kitchen/dining room. I crossed it and sat at the table next to Louis. I smiled at him, looking up to see Harry in my Aunt’s apron, carrying over a plate filled with waffles.

"Remember, lads. Ladies first," he reminded, smiling as he set the plate down. I took two, smiling and grabbing the syrup. The guys fought over the last of them as I ate slowly, savoring every bite.

"So, what are we doing today exactly?" I asked when we all finished eating. I slipped my wedges on, looking up to see the guys waiting for me by the door. "We’re taking a train into Dublin. We have shopping we need to do, and thought ‘Hey! Might as well treat Meg!’" I laughed a bit, rolling my eyes.

"Shopping?" I asked, scrunching my nose up at the thought. They nodded, all jumping into a black car.

"And we’re taking the train when you guys have a driver because…?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them. Zayn shrugged, smiling. "It’s more fun. And the time passes faster." He explained. I nodded, grabbing the pole to the left of me. Niall was on the other side, gripping the pole but not as tight as I was. I’ve never taken any kind of train before.

I stumbled and almost fell a lot, so eventually Niall waved me over to me and he wrapped his extra arm around my waist. “New to the train?” He asked with a smirk. I blushed. 

"Kind of, it doesn’t help that my shoes are high…" I said, pointing at my shoes. He nodded, smiling at me.

"So, what do you guys need?" I asked as soon as we got off the train and started walking out of the station. "Clothes," Niall said, pouting. I rolled my eyes at him. "Suck it up, you guys dragged me here." I said, pouting right back at him.

"We’re going to get you things too," Niall said with a slight smirk. I sighed, shaking my head. "Nah, I don’t need anything." I said, looking away from him to see that the guys were way ahead of us and were turning into a store.

"Don’t need anything?" He asked as we walked into the store. I nodded with a smile. "I have enough clothes and such." I said, shrugging. He sighed, shaking his head. "That’s the first time I’ve heard anything like that in a while." He told me, starting to look through clothes.

I helped them pick out clothes. Kinda. I found the most outrageous things I could and made them try it on. Between pink and yellow plaid shirts and cow boy pants with matching boots, it was a good day.


"Okay, we have too many of us. We’re going to get spotted." Liam said, pulling his hat down and his hood up, looking around the group. "Pairs?" Harry offered, smirking. He turned to Lou and clapped a hand around his shoulder.

Liam and Zayn sent each other looks before they all turned and went into different directions.

"Guess that leaves us?"

"Yeah," Niall responded, starting to head in the direction we were headed with the other guys.

"This should be fun," I said. I started to look around for stores I knew.

We walked in silence for a while, watching the stores around and sighing.

"I don’t know a single store here," I told Niall, pouting. He laughed, taking my hand and pulling me towards a store. I walked in and smiled. It’s like American Eagle back home.

"Ooh!" I cooed, looking at all the clothes.

Niall helped me find a few new outfits and I got one, like I said, I don’t need any more clothes.

 ”Where to next?” I asked. I smiled at him, following closely behind. We exited the store and were immediately surrounded by girls. Tennaged girls, all screaming.

I gasped, looking for Niall. I saw his blond head a little while away from me. I looked around, the girls getting closer to me. They yelled questions, pulling at my clothes and hair.

I dropped my bag, trying to get out, or to Niall. Anywhere but here. The girls didn’t let up, they kept grabbing at me, pulling me further and further into their black hole.

Tears started to spill out of my eyes.

"What are you doing with Niall!?"

"Why are you with Niall!?"

"Who are you?"

"You’re not even pretty!"

"Are you using him?"

"MEG!" I heard someone yell and turned to see Niall making his way through the crowd toward me. I looked around me, the girls got closer and closer with every breath I drew. I knew then that I would never get out. These girls would stay here, and eventually I’d suffocate. Or perhaps they’d kill me.

By the point Niall reached me I was crying heavily, barely able to draw a breath as he wrapped his arms around me and tried to soothe me. I just cried harder, knowing that now since he was here we’d get mobbed even more.

"It’s okay," Niall comforted me. He rubbed circles into my back as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh, I won’t let anyone hurt you." He said softly. I didn’t notice, but we were moving. Pretty soon we were making our way out of the crowd and girls were no longer grabbing me.

"Meg," Niall said, stopping. I didn’t lift my head up. I didn’t want to see them. "A car’s coming, please look at me." He said, shaking his shoulder a bit.

I lifted my head, looking up at him. His eyes were red and puffy, like he’d been crying as well. I sniffed, wiping my cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” He whispered, resting his forehead on mine. His arms stayed around me and he had me facing away from the group of girls I could hear behind me. Yelling, screaming. Yelling profanities and screaming at me to get out of Niall’s life.

Can I do this? Should I do this? Is Niall worth this? He could just hurt me again, it would be so easy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

The car came and we got in. I sat as far away from Niall as possible. As soon as he dropped me off I went into my house, closing the door behind me and going straight to my room.

That night I had a dream. People surrounding me, Niall no where to be found. Clawing at my clothes, pulling at my hair.Trying to hurt me, trying to kill me. I woke up in the midst of a panic attack.

I cried silently until one o’clock when I got too tired to stay up, and the cycle started again. And again, and again.


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