IV. The Chariot of Lost Souls

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Part Four: The Chariot of Lost Souls

I landed with barely a sound in the isle and scanned the bus, rotten blood splattering off my clothes onto the floor. This day just keeps getting better and better. Everyone just sat and stared at me. Some of them already looked dead. For about five minutes, nobody moved or said anything. My hand subtly moved for one of my blades.

"I'm Benjamin...and umm...kiiiind of stuck. Mind if I drop in for awhile?" I smiled the cheesiest smile I could manage.

For a moment, everyone remained quiet...then the entire bus was alive with laughter. I stood, watching them all laugh uncontrollably. I giggled. Then I laughed with them. Then, simultaneously, we silenced. A bearded old man stood up and walked down the aisle towards me.

"I am Melchior. I've been taking care of these people for the last six hours we've been trapped here." He nodded for us to move to the front where we could speak. We stood facing the front windows. The masses of the undead horde continued as far as the eye could see. Fuck...

"Why was there blood on the Emergency hatch?" He took a deep breath and sighed it out slowly.

"The driver went mad...saw his daughter amongst them and lost it. Opened the door to go to her and was lost to the crowd in seconds. We couldn't see his body anywhere and we never saw him get back up...he just vanished."

"Oh, he's down there..."

"Yeah...bastard let two of them aboard before we could shut the door. They wounded a lot of the people on this bus. We managed to kill them and cast the bodies back out through the hatch." I looked him in his eyes.

"We don't have a lot of time...we have to move very soon if we're going to survive this..."

"Move!?" a nasally voice interrupted. "We can't move! The bus will break down and they'll get in and kill us all!" Some others chimed in with support. "We have to stay here until the Military gets here, once they do, they'll kill them all and we'll be saved!"

"Stranger...” mumbled Melchior. I leaned over. "I've also been barking up that tree for the last six hours we've been trapped here. I had to give up because they threatened mutiny!" he whispered.

"They're not as powerful as they seem, don't worry." I assured him. "Likely, no one on this bus is going to like the way I solve this." Everyone's protests grew louder all through the bus, combined with the perpetual wail of the horde; I was getting a little irritated.

"Shut up! All of you! Listen to me! We have to move! We have to get out of this particular spot. Once we're not completely surrounded, I will leave this bus and you can have it! Then, you can sit here 'till you all rot which, most of you have already begun!" They were getting mad now, but I didn't care. I was the only one who knew I was in control. I suddenly became drunk from the power…they would all soon know who controlled this bus!

"I ought to throw you to the zombies, you piece of shit!" the voice shouted to me.

"Then I'll kill every last one of you and take the bus." I said unsheathing my bloodied blades. The bus gasped and grew silent.

"You wouldn't! You don't have the balls." I gave him a dark look.

"I've been through Hell today..." I said, staring into his eyes, and then I drove my "Chaos" through his throat. "This doesn't even require a GRAM of fortitude!" Then I twisted and pulled my blade out, his head hung on only by flesh. I

sheathed my "Demise," grabbed his hair, and finished decapitating him. I held his head out to the horrified crowd.

They were screaming, crying, and vomiting all over. I swung the head around, flinging blood on everyone, then I rolled the head down the aisle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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