What Game Does Levy-chan Recommend?

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Yeah, I know I should probably be working on my other stories rather than starting a new one, but I love this idea so much! Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.
"Fairy Tail?" I stare at Levy-chan weirdly.

"Yeah! It's a new PVP VRMMORPG!" She and Juvia are in my cubicle, trying to get me to do something outside of office work.

"That's an obscene chain of letters... so what's it about?" I ask, kind of curious. They claim I have no life and sadly have a point.

"Juvia thought Lucy-san would ask that. Fairy Tail is a virtual reality world in which players can chose to be either a demon or a mage at the start of the game. There are different types of magic for each, and pros and cons to both races." Juvia begins, only to get interrupted after the basics.

"I'm a mage, but I'm not very good. I mostly just translate demon curses and stuff, or assist others in battle. But Juvia here is an high level demon with advanced water manipulation abilities. She was even chosen as the guardian of the first floor of the Tower of Despair." Levy-chan brags for Juvia, elbowing her playfully when the latter blushes.

"Levy-san is exaggerating." Juvia murmurs self-consciously, glancing in the direction of Gray's cubicle down the aisle.

"What's the Tower of Despair?" I ask, curious.

"Are you telling Lucy about Fairy Tail when you should be working?" Our boss, Erza, overhears us as she walks by. We squeak. She's scary.

"Sorry!" Levy-chan and Juvia yell in a mad dash to their own cubicles.

"Do you also play?" I almost don't want to know.

"Of course! I am a proud level 372 mage!" Erza boasts with a proud smile, pounding a fist on her chest with great gusto.

"Uh... cool?" I don't know how high level you have to be to be considered strong.

Erza notices my confusion. "They were telling you about the Tower of Despair, right? The Tower of Despair is where demon players respawn when they're KO'ed. For mages, it's the Tower of Hope. Of course, there are side jobs posted by NPCs that help with leveling, skills, and loot, but the main goal of the game is to beat all 150 levels of the opposing race's Tower and kill their ruler. Each floor has a staircase connecting to the next floor, and each staircase has a strong member of the race guarding it to prevent enemies from passing."

"So, the guardians of the floors are like the boss fight in any other game? Levy-chan said Juvia was the guardian of the first floor. That means anyone who wants to ascend from the first floor to the second has to defeat Juvia first?" I process.

Erza nods approvingly. I must be catching on.

"You're catching on." Erza compliments. Knew it. "It would be really fun if you joined the game Lucy. Especially if you became a mage, then we could fight together. Besides, almost everybody in the company already plays."

"Even Natsu." Levy-chan chimes as she walks past, not-so-skillfully eavesdropping. Erza glares at her and orders her back to her cubicle, but Levy-chan's mere mention of his name darkens my day.

"Never mind. I don't want to play any game Natsu plays." I snap sourly, saying his name the way one might say 'dirty socks' or 'drink sewage'.

I turn back to my work, determined to ignore my boss, who's staring at me behind my back. I hear Erza sigh and walk away.

"Don't be like that Lucy." Mira, the part time model who occupies the cubicle to the right of mine scoots her chair over and leans her head in. "Natsu is a demon, so if you become a mage then you can kill him anytime you see him."

That peeks my interest. Natsu is the CEO's son, whom I met in college. We were friendly back then, enough that he helped me get me this job, but I think that was just to tease me. I learned quickly that he was born in a bed of silver spoons.

Even worse than that, he chooses to have a desk job and live in the cheap company housing, in the same building as me no less. Our apartments are right next to each other, and he barges into mine all the time. Now I hate his guts.

He never shows up to work on time and always picks fights with the other guys, especially Gray, but never gets penalized for it because his dad is everyone else's boss's boss's boss.

Speak of the devil, Natsu walks into the office three hours late, yawning as he heads to his cubicle.

"Have an eventful night?" I can't help but prod, not knowing why I care so much about whether or not that pink haired dimwit... nope, not going there.

"Not really, just a lot of sitting on my throne doing nothing." He responds, yawning again.

"Ha ha, very funny." I laugh sarcastically.

"No, I'm serious."

"Sure." I roll my eyes and he ignores me, aiming for the coffee machine.

A few seconds later, I hear a heated argument, involving some very imaginative nicknames, after Natsu bumps into Gray.

Fairy Tail huh. I change gears again, staring at the mountain of papers in front of me. I guess I will join, if only to make my friends happy. And give me permission (*cough* an excuse *cough*) to kick Natsu's butt. With that pleasant thought in mind, I finish up in no time.

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