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I see you have taken interest in learning HTML. Very well. Before diving straight into the topic I must warn you that majority of this may confuse you, which it shouldn't since its Basic learning.  

But just keep that in mind. 

Starting Up

First of all, you will have to use a program to code in. A preferred and easily accessible one would be Dreamweaver CC. This is obtained via Adobe Creative Cloud, and you will need a Microsoft account to do so. 

Once this program has been downloaded it will ask you for your preferred setup. This is completely normal and doesn't interfere with any of the code you will perform.  The next step is simple, just follow this path. File > New > HTML and then name the file whatever you wish. After this, simply click 'Create'. 

Beautiful! You now have your first coding canvas! 

Now, you will see a peculiar chunk of code has just appeared inside your document. This is just a helper for you to get started. Just like this but without context. So let's give you that aye?

First of all, the opening line consists of <!DOCTYPE html>. This indicates that you are using the HTML 5 version. If this isn't implemented in raw text files then it will not be compatible with certain browsers and can even break your code file completely. Next up there is the <html>. This tells the generator that the code within this is of HTML language (as you can also use CSS). Following this is <head>. This sends the generator information that a metadata will be present, which brings us to our next line. <meta>. This is the metadata stated previously. To clear out what a metadata is, its basically data explaining data. Makes a nifty path. The utf-8 stands for Unicode Transformation Format, with the 8 representing the fact that it uses 8-bit blocks to represent a character. Next up is <title>Untitled Document</title>. Now, this title isn't quite what you believe it to mean. This piece sets the title of the actual site you are on, I reckon it would be easier to use an example. This site, Wattpad, when you glance to the Tab it says "Wattpad - Stories You'll Love", this is justified through the title code like this <title>Wattpad - Stories You'll Love</title>. The slash is a motif throughout every ending code. This you can remove, no problem. Following is <body> and underneath </body>. A body is something like a <head> except it consists of Images, Hyperlinks, Tables, Lists etc. For the lucky last, </html>, which closes off the whole chunk.

Well then, now you are informed, time to move onto text!

Basic HTMLWhere stories live. Discover now