Tables, Images & Hyperlinks

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Three more essential topics will be covered within this chapter. Our first involves tables, exactly what it sounds like. Useful for schedules, mathematic records etc. To clarify, the tables will refactor the margin depending on the text within. Now then, let me provide you with an example and I'll show you through each line.

         <td>Number 1</td>
         <td> Number 2</td>
         <td>Number 3</td>


Pretty distracting right? Clearly, the <body> is the preferred region that this code will work in. <table> creates the actual table, holds the chunk of code. <tr> is short for Table Row, this will start a new row for data cells, meaning each row the first <td> will be in a column, followed by the rest. Bringing us to the next tag, <td> meaning Table Data. Within this is the actual piece of text/integer/input that will appear in our table. After this, we just make another row and repeat to show how the columns would be formed. Followed by the closing tags. 

Now for Images! A rather more exciting and relevant topic. The modification of the images will be stated in the next guide, however, actually placing the image in our file would be declared as something Basic. I'll go with the same structure as we used for the Tables. 

   <img src="URL">

Quite basic, body indicates the position and <img; says the type. Just like the iFrames, there is an src, this src should lead to an image or gif. No need for a closing tag as the image is just a singular div. 

Hyperlinks would be present within a Paragraph, Span, Heading or anything text related. It's quite a handy thing when using references to other sites to back up your bibliography or review sources. Here is the code:

   <p>Hello everybody, this <a href="">link</a> leads to my Wattpad profile!</p>

It follows all the laws of text, however, the text you wish to assign the link to will be between the tags. <a; is the tag affiliated with the use of a Hyperlink, quite clear. HREF is the abbreviation for Hypertext Reference, used to transport from website to website. Right after, just like an src, you input the link. 

That's cleared it up for this topic, continue at your will.

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