A week later, Jimmy finally gets back to Kyle on the four men.
"Here you go Kyle. It took me a week to download everything everything on those men, so don't lose that flash drive." Jimmy said to Kyle. Kyle pulls his laptop out of his backpack and plugged the flash drive into it. It loaded it in a few seconds.
"It says here that one of the men, Andry Kobin, is an ex-con who was convicted of man slaughter a few years back. He did his time in a federal penatentary, but he was released early for good behavior. The second man, Calvin Gibson, was a body guard for the president of the United States, but he was promptly fired after he was accused of selling our military secrets to the soviets. The third man, Chad Ross, was a UFC Heavyweight champion five years in a row. He was let go becasue of a street fight that he was involved in last year. The fourth and final man, Tyrese Malone, was a retired navy seal who specialized in hand-to-hand combat, covert oporations, and bomb squad. He retired after taking a bullet in the chest when an oporation went bad." Kyle said.
"What do all of these men have in commom?" Jimmy asked. "Why would all of these men work for the same man? Two of the men were specially trained to handle any and everything. Another man was a world class fighter until a street fight. The last man was convicted of man slaughter. Why these men?"
"I found it. They all killed at least one man in their life time. Even the UFC fighter. During his street fight he killed his opponent. They all know how to kill. They've done it before, and they obviously will do it again. I managed to locate an employment record on all of the men. They were all recently employed by a man named James McGlauflen, a former marine drill instructor. He is wanted on six of the seven continents. It says here that he killed every one of his students one day for no apparent reason at all. He then proceeded to run from our authorities. He was in Africa when he ran over a crowd of people while escaping. He then went to Asia where he shot and killed the embassador and ran off to South America. There he blew up our biggest military base and ran off to Europe. There he went on a killing spree. Killed 128 people with a high powered machine gun. This man is the world's public enemy. Apparently he found his way back here, and he felt the need to take Stephanie away from me. I'm going to do the world a favor and kill this bastard once and for all! I want him dead dammit! Dead he shall be when I get ahold of him!" Kyle said angrily.
"Kyle calm down. Your mother isn't going to like this but... you're going to need new equipment. Not these cut-rate hand-me-downs. You'rer also going to need a vehicle that'll help you get the job done. I'm going to give 'em to you. Free of charge. The only catch is that you cannot tell anyone, and I mean anyone that I'm going to do this for you. Do you understand?" Jimmy said to Kyle firmly. Kyle nodded. "Good. Now we have a deal." Kyle and Jimmy then headed home.

For Only You: Kyle's Story
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