Welcome to my dysfunctional brain

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Ahh, teenage years. For some of us, the best years of our lives, but for the majority of the population 'teenage years' are a tragic time in our lives full of embarrasing memories, spots and failed relationships.

Personally, I am still in my later teenage years, and already I have accumulated enough criingeworthy anecdotes that it makes it hard for me to leave the house without having a seizure and ending up on the floor crying and asking myself why I put myself throigh so much pain and embarressment. That being said, I feel like, even after everything it has put me through, I really want to help our civilization, which leads me on to the creation of this book.

I realise I am in no way qualified to write an informative guide about teen life and any of the phsycology beind it, so i decided to create this book as a way to share all my akward moments and somewhat shifty advice with the internet.

I hope you enjoy it, and now lets relive the failiure that is my life together. xx

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