Chapter 14: Nomad of Aincrad (Part 3)

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"So you thought it was smart to take that boss on, by yourself?" I asked in disbelief, the insanity of some people.

"Isn't that what you did?" Taya frowned, taking a bite out of a loaf of bread.

"Yes it is. But I mean did you see me? I handled it, you on the other hand were unconscious the moment I arrived." I shook my head, showing my disapproval.

She laughed, as I continued to enjoy the free meal. As repayment for saving her Taya had offered her company and lunch on Floor 7. But the food came with a price. She planned to pick my brain about my strengths and weaknesses, since I'd demonstrated superior stats compared to a field boss. And of course, this conversation happened prior to eating, resulting in me starving for about an extra hour.

"How the hell did you level so fast?" She asked.

"Just late night grinding, and leveling with my friends."

"You? Friends?" She teased, something about her playful nature flicked a switch, forcing me to realize just how attractive Taya was.

Golden blond hair woven into a french braid complimented her tanned skin and green eyes, with specs of light blue dotting her iris. The pure white of her teeth forced attention to her glistening lips. Her eye lashes fluttered, and eyes wrinkled with every smile. Before my eyes even worked past her neck, to any exposed cleavage, I felt my consciousness return to me after hearing her voice again.

"Whatcha looking at?" Another smartass smirk tugging the corners of her mouth.

My face heated instantly as I tried to muster a response, but decided avoiding eye contact was for the best. "Nothing.." I groaned.

Taya laughed, slamming her hand against the table several times before wiping away a tear. Attracting the attention of other players and NPCs alike. Her echoing laughter completely contrasted the mood of the restaurant. "I think that's enough chatting for now."

With a slight blush in her cheeks, red from laughter, Taya stood and waved goodbye. I hid my face in my hands the moment she walked away. Knowing that it wouldn't be the last time I would see her.


I stared at Nomad at as he finished up his story, "After that, I just kept seeing her everywhere. We began late night leveling together, which eventually lead to a hang out or two. I guess we aren't an official couple, but we more so mutually agree that we won't kill each other. And I guess that we like each other too. So that's gotta be something."

Nomad was smiled at the cup in his hand, it was the most genuine smile I'd seen on his face since we'd been trapped in this game. I envied him, not because he was able to find love, but because he was able to smile in our hopeless situation. Through the pain and suffering, and even death, Nomad was able to smile. My mind raced back to Spyde, when I'd woken, he was sleeping. Dust and dirt flying off him with every time he took a breath. But he looked good now, clean and trimmed, strong and confident, apparently I'd missed some key moments in my best friend's life.

In this world, Nomad was on par with an entire guild. There was no one to stop him from being an orange player, no one to stop him from leaving others to die, and no one to stop him from quitting. But he didn't do any of those things, at that moment I couldn't help but wonder what kind of moral compass drove someone with power like his. It's as if he was a chosen hero carrying out his sacred duty, not because the cause was just but because he was honor bound-- and somehow that worked in his favor.

"I've got to go meet Taya, you two stay out of trouble." Nomad waved goodbye, leaving his drink, and the tab with Lavender and I.

In order to escape the noise of the safe zone, Lavender had guided us to a small coffee shop she'd taken a liking to. It was a quiet corner perfect for a story, or a conversation.

"How about you? What've you got going on? Did you also save some poor young soul and fall in love? " I asked, turning my gaze to Lavender.

"Not much, we spend most of our time together so I don't really get a chance to go out and explore like he does." She laughed.

"Perhaps we should all take some time apart. Get away from the grinding of the Sapphire Crusade for a bit before this raid on Laughing Coffin, enjoy life a bit differently than we have been, like Nomad." I suggested, I'd be lying if I said this was the first time the thought had popped into my head. Stress built on stress since entering SAO and I was no closer to any answers than when I got here. Instead responsibilities and burdens continue to pile on top of the stress.

"I don't know Grimm, we've got things good right now. Why change it?"

"You're not scared?"

"Terrified, actually, but running away isn't the answer."

"That's not what I'm suggesting."

"No." Lavender sipped the rest of her coffee and stood, leaving the tab to me. "It's what you're implying."

I leaned back in my chair as the elderly NPC proprietor of this establishment made his way from behind the coffee bar towards me. I manipulated my menu the moment it popped up and paid the bill for my friends and I, causing the old man to waddle away as quickly as he came.

"Am I running away?" I mumbled to myself.

I've always stressed the importance of rest, but now that I've been working for so long it's hard to figure out when to take those breaks. Was coffee with a friend rest from work? Was pursuing a relationship rest from work? It all sounded like more effort than it was worth, might as well just dump everything I've got into the path I'm on now.. so then.. why do I always feel so.. off?

I've changed so much since entering SAO. Whereas Lavender sought comfort after battling uncomfortable circumstances for so long, ever since Spyde relaxing hasn't sat well with me. It feels like if I sit down to take the time to look at the rising sun on the horizon, I'd just to see the silhouetted swarm of Spydinites racing towards me all over again. I couldn't sleep the same, I couldn't rest the same. I couldn't rest at all. There was a level of comfort in discomfort for me, maybe even some sick tinge of pleasure from constantly trying to overcome something. Maybe that's why 'running away' felt more like a challenge coming from her than it did a plea to change my mind.

I needed to be stronger. Lavender was right, I was running away by trying to rest. Complacency would get us all killed-- I would get us all killed.

My eyes wandered to my stats. Level 50. Nomad and Lavender were both stronger than me at this point, I am the weakest of us. I was holding them back.

I manipulated my menu, scrolled go the party tab, and froze. Was this the right answer? I'd never know for sure, not until we all stood face to face again. I felt the weight of the world behind my finger as I selected to remove myself from the party.

For them, for my friends. I'd come back a warrior.

I'd come back lethal.

I'd come back the strongest.

Or I wouldn't come back at all.

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