Chapter Twelve - An Attempt To Escape, Part One

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An Attempt To Escape, Part One - Chapter Twelve

Me and Sheila go back a long time…

We went through so much together… Her parent’s divorce, my mom’s death, and all of high school…

I even remember out first fight. There was a really hot guy that we both liked. We were freshmen, and he was a sophomore. But he was really hot…

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Sheila and I came running to each other during lunch, both giggling.

“Oh my God Sheila! I just met someone amazing!” I almost sung out in happiness.

“Really? Me too! He is so hot and his voice is so… Amazing…” Sheila sighed, deep in thought.

“That’s cool, but I bet the guy I just met is hotter!” I giggled.

“Bullshit! Who is he?” She asked, raising an eye brow and smirking.

I looked around, and scanned people’s faces.

“Well, he hasn’t told me his name yet… And he isn’t here… But I sit next to him during 3rd period!” I radiantly smiled at her.

“Cool, I sit next to this really hot guy during 2nd period, and he is just so hot!” Sheila squealed.

“What’s his name?” I asked laughing.

“Well I don’t really know, he hasn’t told me either, but me and him talked the whole period!” Sheila sighed happily.

“I still bet my crush is a lot hotter.” I sighed along with her.

We spent that whole lunch hour arguing about who was hotter.

The next day, I properly introduced myself to him and he gave me a smile that can make even ice melt in an instant. “Cool, my name’s Lucas, but you can call me Luke.” He winked at me.

I giggled, and we spent the whole period talking. And when the bell rang, I said goodbye to him, and rushed to Sheila.

“I know his name! He told me it today!” I squealed excited.

“My crush told me his too!” Sheila squealed along with me.

“Ok, what’s his name?” I asked sighing.

“His name is Luke!” She giggled.

“Luke? That’s funny, my crush’s name is Lucas, but he told me that I can call him Luke. Weird huh?” I laughed, and continued my lunch talking about how hot he was.

“What does he look like?” Sheila asked, taking a bite of her apple.

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