Chapter Six

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I woke up everyday this past week wondering when in the world Damon was going to give me my surprise. Sarina kept telling me she knew what it is and Sammi kept saying that she has a pretty good idea. I just kept wondering and asking myself "what is going to come next?" After awhile Damon picked me up from college. Telling me we were going out of town for the weekend. He said he already has the bags packed and in the trunk and to not worry about a thing and go just enjoy the ride. I said "is this my surprise? Leaving Mystic falls for the weekend?" He said to me smiling "part of it, but there is much much more."
Not knowing where we were going I just listened to the music and enjoyed our drive. He would turn the music down and would start singing songs all the way back from the 1800's. I would of never thought he would remember something as simple as lyrics. We laughed and held hands. Every time he looked at me I seen safety in his eyes. We finally arrived where he was taking me. He said it was called New Orleans. It was a place to find peace and happiness. They had witches, vampires, and even werewolves. There was this family they called themselves the Originals. Damon told me whatever I do to stay away from a man named Niklaus. I couldn't understand why one man could be so dangerous. Somehow after dark Damon and I got separated. I ran into a man named Elijah Mikelson. He was an Original and told me all about the original family. He knew about Damon's surprise but of course I didn't know of this. He handed me a piece of paper and told me to follow everything on it. That this was all part of the plan.
It said "First I want to say I love you. Next, meet me at the cemetery at 10:30, and lastly don't talk to anymore strangers. Signed: Damon"
I looked at the giant clock tower. I was already late it was already 10:30. So I ran as fast as I could to the cemetery. I didn't see him. Then all of the sudden I hear my name coming from the garden of this scary place. "Why would he want to give me a surprise here?" I then reminded myself. "I'm with a vampire. He probably finds this romantic!" I slowly walked to where my name was coming from and everyone was there. My family, my doppelgänger, and my best friend. "Guys what is this? What is going on?" I asked in shock. Damon got down on one knee he looked at me and said "we have been together for almost a year now. We are starting our family and I'm ready to spend my life with you. I didn't know love existed like this until I met you. At first you were just another girl and then I studied you and fell in love with you. I couldn't imagine my life not with you in it. Brandie will you marry me?" I started to cry not know what to say. "Of course" I said yes. I looked at him and asked "does everyone know about you? Who you are?" He told me "yes. I told your family. I needed them to know and i also showed them Brandie. I knew we couldn't hide it. They were okay with it and a little freaked out too." I didn't know what to say other then I was so excited. Eventually, we started leaving the cemetery of New Orleans. We went to the Orleans castle. Which was just a fancy place for us to stay for the weekend. That whole weekend we celebrated for the beginning of a new life and chapter of our lives. I couldn't be more excited. I was ready but then life took a little turn....

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