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               I walked towards a door,the small hallway was dark and something wasn't right. I reached out my hand and twisted the door nob. The door opened to reveal millions of white dads, all of them wearing the exact same thing,with the exsact same hair cut. (A white polo shirt with sandals and socks. And really short hair) I looked around looking for my dad. Most of the dads were chatting about politics or football. I spotted my dad in the endless sea of other dads. He was talking about football. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to me, oddly smiling. "What's up?" He asked while sounding to positive. "Can we go..? I'm hungry" I asked.

            All the dads simultaneously twisted there heads,some 160 degrees around. And they all faced me. I backed up in fear.they all came closer to me and opened their mouths. The bottom of there jaws stretched down to where their chin normally was. Their eyes began to glow, the white light grew in brightness until it was almost blinding. Then they all chanted: "HI HUNGRY IM DAD!!!"  Right after they had said that they all consumed my soul.

                                                                         The end

Hi this is grace. I hope you all at lest laughed at this story. I didn't come up with the idea I found this in a YouTube comment section when. I forgot wich video it was but yah!

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