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bren: so

ryanrossiii: hm

bren: what do you look like just to remind me

ryanrossiii: no i'm ugly

bren: i bet ur lying

ryanrossiii: no i'm actually seriously

bren: fine i'll send a picture first

bren: (look at pictures above title)

ryanrossiii: okay first of all why are you holding a peanut butter and jelly made of like biscuits

bren: you think i remember

ryanrossiii: second of all i like your hair

bren: thanks

ryanrossiii: and third of all just Wow

ryanrossiii: guess it's time for my ugliness to be unleashed cover your eyes

bren: show

ryanrossiii: (look at pictures above title again)

bren: i disagree strongly with your statement ryan

bren: you look so good in this????

ryanrossiii: think what you want urie

bren: ur like

bren: actually hot

ryanrossiii: i could say the same if i ignore the weird not finished sandwich

bren: wow thanks

ryanrossiii: sorry quick question

bren: hm

ryanrossiii: don't you play in some band

bren: well i used to when i was about 14 with dallon but we decided that was not our thing

ryanrossiii: ok because pete was talking about it and i was just wondering if it was true

bren: oh ok

bren: it was gay

ryanrossiii: story of my life

bren: wait what

ryanrossiii: oh oops i am also gay

bren: same

bren: wait

bren: nevermind that makes no sense

ryanrossiii: well bye peanut butter boy i gotta study for my biology test

bren: for mr knights class?

ryanrossiii: yeah

bren: the one actually good teacher in the school

ryanrossiii: yeah even some kids just call him awsten and he doesn't care

bren: well bye ry

read 8:23pm

sorry i couldn't fit the pictures into the chapters, this story is acting up for some reason and not letting the pictures show up in it
also i saw some people commenting that they like this book a lot so far so thank you!!
it's honestly so fun to write tbh

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