Chapter 7

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~In which our hero Viktoria Schmidt goes on a date with Hans Von Strauss.~

We stood in Berlin's dance club. I wore a dress Diana lends me. I was starting to like Diana a little bit more. Now Hans Von Strauss knows I'm an illegitimate child. He says that doesn't matter at all.
Berlin,and maybe all of Germany's, favorite band "Strasse Jungen"(Street Boys)struck up a tune. They were not an "around-the-world" type of band. Only Germany and tourists who listened to this German band heard them. They played their hit song "Fräulein Fräulein"(Miss Miss).
As the lead singer Leon Ziegler began singing,Hans began singing along. I look at the tourists. They didn't know the words,because it was all in German,only the Austrian tourists,Belgian tourists,Swiss tourists, and German speaking tourists knew what the words meant.
   We went to the dance floor and started slow dancing. We swayed around a bit and had a few drinks here and there.

"So how is your roommate?",Hans asked

"I went from hating her to somewhat liking her.",I said

"Well that's good.",Hans said

"Eh,she's a bit annoying sometimes.",I said

"Well you'll start to like her.",Hans said

"We're getting there.",I said

"That's wonderful.",Hans said

We leaned in for a kiss.

"Why must you be so beautiful?",Hans asked

"I prefer my simple charm to please a man.",I said

"Well,you are just too beautiful.",Hans said

Soon after,cameras are swarming around us. We were like big celebrity couple.

"We should go.",Hans whispered

"Ja.",I said,"Yes."

We get up and push past cameramen and news journalists just to leave Berlin's biggest night club.

"Phew.",Hans said after we got back to the campus of Humboldt University of Berlin

"We survived.",I said

Hans let out a little laugh. Right by us,I can see Diana talking to another boy:It was Leon Ziegler.

"Hi Viktoria.",Diana said

"You were at the club,weren't you?",I ask

"Yes,Just to make sure you and Hans were alright. Caroline Ackermann,our next door neighbor recommended for me to go.",Diana said

"Oh okay.",I said

"This is Diana?",Hans asked

"Ja. Hallo. Ich bin Diana Carter.",Diana said,"Yes. Hello. I am Diana Carter."

  Diana is fluent in a few languages: German,French,Italian,Spanish, Mandarin(Chinese),and Portuguese. I was fluent in German,English,French, Italian,Polish,Russian,Spanish,and Dutch. Dutch was an easy language for a German to pick up.

"I best get going.",Hans said

"Bye Hans.",I said

  We lean in for a few more kisses. Leon and Diana said goodbye. Diana and I walk back to our dorm room.

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