Ch. 3

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(Y/n) P.o.v
I awake in a bed, surrounded by cps and the slendorbrothers.(You are not very good in crowds, so this makes u scared.)"U-um," I start to panic, because I'm surrounded.I pass out from everyone around me.I wake up about a half an hr later.I see no one there with me.I quickly run into a corner, scared from what had happened earlier.'I was surrounded by cps and the slenderbrothers.I fee like I should be happy, but I'm scared shitless rn.' "You should be happy." "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"I screamed."Woah, calm down (Y/n).We just wanted to talk."Says another deep,calm voice."HOW THE HELL COULD I BE CALM WHEN HALF AN HR BEFORE THIS I WAS SURROUNDED BY FUCKING CPS!!!" I yell, out of breath.'Wait we?' I think.
Slendermans P.o.v
'Wait we?' She thinks.This is going to be fun.
(Y/n) P.o.v
I see the 4 slenderbrothers step from the shadows.Slender,Trendor,Offender,and finally Splendor. 'Oh shit...'Is all I could think of.I wave to Slender,Trendor,Splendor, and I flip off Offendor."Hey!" Says Offendor."I know what u will do so," I flip him off again but with two hands.Before Offendor could say anything Slendor said, "ThaT's ENOUGH " in his demonic voice.I creep back into the wall,wishing I could turn invisible.(No, invisibility is not one of ur poswers, maybe later on it will be.)"Omg we have a new guest!" Says splendor excitably."Y-ya,hi..." Splendor comes and hugs me.Now, I'm not all for hugs, but if I refuse, he will start to cry.I end up hugging back.I hear Trendor think,' hmmm, I wonder what size she is.She would look great in a dress.'Damn it.I hate dresses. Offender thinks,'Wonder what she looks like with her clothes off~' I start to blush, thinking of what he just said.Splendor stops hugging me.Slendor says," Ok, let (Y/n) get changed.(Y/n), clothes r in the closet.Where whatever u want and come down to meet everyone else." They all leave and I look in then closet.I pick out a grey long sleeve shirt, Grey baggy pants, and put (the hoodie down underneath) on with some black sneakers.I put on black lipstick and eyeshadow.(Btw u r kinda gothic/emo.)

I look around and see no one here

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I look around and see no one here.I don't want ANYONE finding out about my powers.I float down the stairs, but as soon as I see all the cps, I land with a big thud on the floor.All of them start looking at me.I hate attention.But before I can faint or run back upstairs,slender grabs my shoulders and says,"Everyone,there's a new human in the house.Her name is (Y/n).Treat her with respect." I hate being called a human but I won't say anything, just so won't get exposed.Im scared of getting exposed because before, I was rejected by my friends and fam.I am not going to let that happen again
One boring hr later, after I finish meeting everyone.
Ok so now I am eating with everyone.BEN, Jeff,Toby,Offender, and L.J keep staring at me.I blush,and finish eating my (f/f).I go back upstairs.Looking around, I see no one around.I am so tired, I teleport to my room, and get changed into a black tank top and shorts.I sit in bed, minding my cuts and fall asleep.
Offenders P.o.v
I follow (Y/n) up to her room.When she gets changed, I see cuts and bruises on her arms.I start to 'tear up'. I have to tell Slendor about this.I teleported to his office and knock on the door.I hear a faint 'Come in' from the other side.I tell him everything I saw.He says "We will discuss this in the morning.Let her go to sleep and u should be going there too." I return to my room and then fall asleep, wondering about (Y/n)

Misunderstood (Female Tomboy Reader adopted by the slendorbrothers)Where stories live. Discover now