(Y/n) was an abuse girl.The thing is that she has supernatural abilities and just needed to keep them secret.Will they stay secret for long.Read to find out!I haven't seen many of there so I thought I would do it.
New Co-Writer: @BloodyCipher
(Y/n) P.o.v I awake in a bed, surrounded by cps and the slendorbrothers.(You are not very good in crowds, so this makes u scared.)"U-um," I start to panic, because I'm surrounded.I pass out from everyone around me.I wake up about a half an hr later.I see no one there with me.I quickly run into a corner, scared from what had happened earlier.'I was surrounded by cps and the slenderbrothers.I fee like I should be happy, but I'm scared shitless rn.' "You should be happy." "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"I screamed."Woah, calm down (Y/n).We just wanted to talk."Says another deep,calm voice."HOW THE HELL COULD I BE CALM WHEN HALF AN HR BEFORE THIS I WAS SURROUNDED BY FUCKING CPS!!!" I yell, out of breath.'Wait we?' I think. Slendermans P.o.v 'Wait we?' She thinks.This is going to be fun. (Y/n) P.o.v I see the 4 slenderbrothers step from the shadows.Slender,Trendor,Offender,and finally Splendor. 'Oh shit...'Is all I could think of.I wave to Slender,Trendor,Splendor, and I flip off Offendor."Hey!" Says Offendor."I know what u will do so," I flip him off again but with two hands.Before Offendor could say anything Slendor said, "ThaT's ENOUGH " in his demonic voice.I creep back into the wall,wishing I could turn invisible.(No, invisibility is not one of ur poswers, maybe later on it will be.)"Omg we have a new guest!" Says splendor excitably."Y-ya,hi..." Splendor comes and hugs me.Now, I'm not all for hugs, but if I refuse, he will start to cry.I end up hugging back.I hear Trendor think,' hmmm, I wonder what size she is.She would look great in a dress.'Damn it.I hate dresses. Offender thinks,'Wonder what she looks like with her clothes off~' I start to blush, thinking of what he just said.Splendor stops hugging me.Slendor says," Ok, let (Y/n) get changed.(Y/n), clothes r in the closet.Where whatever u want and come down to meet everyone else." They all leave and I look in then closet.I pick out a grey long sleeve shirt, Grey baggy pants, and put (the hoodie down underneath) on with some black sneakers.I put on black lipstick and eyeshadow.(Btw u r kinda gothic/emo.)
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I look around and see no one here.I don't want ANYONE finding out about my powers.I float down the stairs, but as soon as I see all the cps, I land with a big thud on the floor.All of them start looking at me.I hate attention.But before I can faint or run back upstairs,slender grabs my shoulders and says,"Everyone,there's a new human in the house.Her name is (Y/n).Treat her with respect." I hate being called a human but I won't say anything, just so won't get exposed.Im scared of getting exposed because before, I was rejected by my friends and fam.I am not going to let that happen again One boring hr later, after I finish meeting everyone. Ok so now I am eating with everyone.BEN, Jeff,Toby,Offender, and L.J keep staring at me.I blush,and finish eating my (f/f).I go back upstairs.Looking around, I see no one around.I am so tired, I teleport to my room, and get changed into a black tank top and shorts.I sit in bed, minding my cuts and fall asleep. Offenders P.o.v I follow (Y/n) up to her room.When she gets changed, I see cuts and bruises on her arms.I start to 'tear up'. I have to tell Slendor about this.I teleported to his office and knock on the door.I hear a faint 'Come in' from the other side.I tell him everything I saw.He says "We will discuss this in the morning.Let her go to sleep and u should be going there too." I return to my room and then fall asleep, wondering about (Y/n)