(Y/n) was an abuse girl.The thing is that she has supernatural abilities and just needed to keep them secret.Will they stay secret for long.Read to find out!I haven't seen many of there so I thought I would do it.
New Co-Writer: @BloodyCipher
(Y/n)'s Pov. ---------------------------------------------- After I woke up, I got dressed in this
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I got dressed, put on black lipstick and eyeshadow. I left my room as I left my room, I released that it was 6:00in that morning. I decided to do something special for all the cps. I made Toby 5 waffles, I made Hoodie and Masky each a whole pie of cheesecake,I made L.J a giant bowl of candy, ect. ect. I made everyone their fav foods (including the slenderbrothers). As I finished at around 6:45, Slendy (I can call him Slendy) Came down. "What I that wonderful smell?" Slendy questioned. "I umm, I made everyone there favorite foods? I made you something to.. I hope that's ok..." I tell him, thing that this was a bad idea. (Y/n), this is amazing!!! But I will have to wait until 7:00 when everyone wakes up." He states. Time skip where everyone's awake (Still (Y/n) Pov) So everyone is awake eagerly waiting and watching the clock '6:59.57, 6:59.58, 6:59,59... 7:00!!!' Everyone starts to run over to the kitchen and sits down at the table. When everyone sits down in their proper seat, they all dig in. Since I don't have to eat, I stand off to the side and wait until everyone is done. 'Why isn't (Y/n) eating? I guess she's not hungry'- Slendy "Ok everyone," Slendey's voice boomed, " Since we are all done eating, and it's 7:50, please meet my brothers and I in the living rooms at 8:30. (Y/n), could you come at 8:20. Thank you everyone and you may now leave. I head up to the stairs, and as I get up to the top of the steps and look around, I see no-one there. I teleport to my room and start to read wattpad. Time skip to 8:20 As I float down the stairs, I start to wonder what the meeting is about? I got to the bottom of the stairs an gently set my feet onto the soft carpet. I make no noise, so I am unnoticed. I fake cough and I get their attention. I start to walk over to the brothers. I stit down, and try to read their minds. I can't, so that must mean their talking telepathiclly to each other. Soon, Slender clears his throat and starts to speak. "(Y/n), you are probably wondering what your here for, correct?" I answer back "Yes, could you please tell me?" Trender starts, "(Y/n) we are here to talk about your... Powers." My powers?! With the other cps? Nuh- huh! Not happening. " Wh- why would you want to do that?" Splendor starts "Because..." Just then,we here all the footsteps of all the other cps come tumbling down that stairs. I look over to the clock and I see 8:30. 'Well, let's get this over with.' I think to myself. ---------------------------------------------- Wow... So I was gone. For a long time. I was moving and I also had depression from my aunt's death. So it's @teh_cp_nerd... I am back. And I also have created to other books that will be up by tommrow or the next night! I hope your happy with this longer chapter for a makeup chapter!I luv you all!!! BuBye!!! (Btw this whole this is 567 words...wow.)