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I knocked on bts's door. We are going to the beach today! We have to travel some hours to get there. It's a pretty far trip, but eh. We are rich, we'll just take the plane. I was wearing a white dress with sunglasses and sandals. I had also brought my own suit case. We were going to stay there for the whole weekend. And today is Friday... So that will be almost three days. I can't wait to spend some time with my crush. You can't tell anybody! But my crush is taehyung.

The door open. Jimin was standing at the door, he was wearing trunks with a shirt. Everybody else had pretty much the same style. I entered the house. "Oppa!" I hollered, in search for taehyung.

"I'm still changing. But... I look emberrassing." Taehyung said through the door of his bedroom. He's always like this. But most of the time he just looks adorable or handsome. Maybe he says that it's emberrassing so that I could take a look and judge his taste.

"Open the door so that I can take a look." I said.

"It's already opened." He said. Wow, I know there's all boys here, but he should at least lock the door. You never know when a girl like me appears in this house.

I opened the door and saw taehyung starring at himself in the mirror. "You look good, now let's go." I told him while grabbing his hand and pulling him out the bedroom.

Everyone was ready. Everyone had a bag with their belongings. "Ok let's go!" Rap monster said with enthusiasm. Everyone cheered childishly and carried themselves out the door. It feels so nice! This is going to be the best trip of my life!

Everyone got on the black van that was going to be driven all the way to the airport. I sat all the way to the back with taehyung. I like the back because I feel like I have a little more privacy. Plus, I get to get off last. That way, I can spend extra time with taehyung beside me. The van carries nine people, and that includes the driver. So we all sit comfortable. The trip to the airport is about twenty minutes from here. It's not that far... But when you have a full car of kids... Well it can seem like hours.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Taehyung and jungkook said in unison. Jungkook was sitting down the other side of taehyung. There are so close together, I'm jelly.

"Taehyung. The trip is twenty minutes. We JUST started the car, so of course.... We aren't there yet. And we won't be there for a while. So how about mean while, we play some games?" I explained to him, as if explaining it to a kindergarten.

"Yes! I love games!" They both said in unison, taehyung and jimin. Of course they play games. But... What games are appropriate inside a car? Truth or truth!

"Then... Let's play truth or truth!" I shrieked in exciment.

"Ok, me goes first!" Taehyung said. "Truth or truth, joy." He asked me. Oh, this idiot.

"What do you mean truth or truth? There is literally ONE choice!" I lectured him.

"Fine! Fine!" Taehyung chuckled. "Who is the cutest out of the group?" That question.... He had to ask that, out of all questions. Why? I don't want to say it's him. He's going to start thinking stuff... Or even bragging. Or maybe the other members will get jelly. I gulped.

"Uh... Um.. i-its... Um.... JUNGKOOK!" I blurt out then covered my mouth when I realized what I had said. Oh no... What have I done!?

"What?" Taehyung pouted. He covered his face with his hands and started to fake cry.

"I'm sowwy." I told him, petting his hair. "Truth or truth, taehyung."

"You told me that there's only one choice... So why are you asking me?"

"Oh...sorry." I laughed nervously at my own actions. "Who do you like?" I asked. This question could have two meanings. So it's up to him, wether he wants to take it the friendly way or the loving way.

"You." He said, simply, without any hesitation. What did he just say? Me? Is he serious? Maybe... Just maybe, he means it as a friend. Yeah, how can such an innocent face have such desires.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Ok, maybe I shouldn't have asked him. I should've just stayed innocently quite.

"Well I, unlike certain someones, I think you're kinds cute." He said, then smile at me with that squared smile that makes me want to pinch his cheeks and take him to a candy shop.

We went on asking each other questions. A few minutes later, the whole van was playing. Including the personal driver. Until we arrive. Everyone got off the van and settled their bags at the airport. We just needed to sit and wait until our flight was here. Which was thirty minutes left. It could be like a long time. But when you're sitting with bts, time goes flying.

We were wearing face masks and glasses. I couldn't see taehyung's face, it was quite upsetting. But eh, whatever. I looked around to see all the members playing with their phones and sharing pictures. I looked at taehyung. He was scrolling through Instagram. He was watching a girl group. I snatched the phone from him. "What are you doing?!" I whidpered-screamed at him. Seriously, checking out other girls after he told me he likes me? I didn't think he'd be this way! You really can't get to know a person completely, right?

"But... I'm just checking out your performance." He told me. I looked down at the phone to see me dancing. My mouth made "oh."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know... I thought-"

"Thank you for liking me back." Taehyung smiled to himself.

"But I never-" I was interupted by the intercome.

"Flight to Jeju island, please aboard the plane."

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