Chapter 1

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I collapsed onto the ground, my legs weak underneath my weight, I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to glance around in an attempt to see what's up ahead, but my vision's blurry; it's dark and pouring with rain.

I looked ahead of me. Maybe if I get my bearings, I can figure out where I am. I can't see much though. I thought as I felt the rain falling hard against my weak body.

I let out a slight hiss at the cold, hard droplets falling against my skin. I'm freezing but I ignore it and force my eyes open, focusing in front of me.

There... I thought. A river, about a hundred meters ahead. I think... I think I can make it.

I drag myself forward with all the strength I can muster up, only using my arms considering my legs are in no shape to do anything.

But the moment my body moves, I cry out in pain as I feel the cuts on my stomach opening and closing. I grit my teeth and clench my fists in an attempt to shut up my cries of pain as I keep moving forward. This is nothing. I will survive this.

I don't know how long it took me but once I finally made it to the river. I pulled myself onto the edge of it before rolling over and falling in.

It's so cold, I thought as I felt my body going numb before opening my eyes, trying my best to see, yet I couldn't make out anything 2 feet in front of me. Ignoring my lack of sight, I still managed to find the strength to rub my injuries, getting them averagely clean enough so I assume they won't get infected.

I gripped onto the side of the river with my left hand, pulling myself up enough to reach it with my right. I can do this. I thought. Just a little further. And with that, I used the last of strength to pull myself up and out of the water, dragging my body out of the river only to fall onto the soft, wet grass.



I sighed while walking through the rain back from my last job, making my way to the guild. Great. I thought. Must be Juvia nearby. I let out another sigh as I treaded through the forest with only my pants, shirt and bag. I'm starving. I thought as I heard my stomach rumble. Maybe there's some food at Lucy's, either way I'll just go there.

I carried on walking, the rain, sure it's cold but nothing that like what I've been through before. I couldn't help but look up at the sky as I thought about Ul and Leon.

I miss them. I thought. I miss being- but I cut my thoughts off when my eyes caught sight of footprints. What the hell? I thought. Who's out here in this weather?

And without realizing I began following the footprints. It wasn't long before they fell into what seemed like tracks where someone had been dragged through the mud.

There's blood.

Shit! Someone must be hurt! I thought as I began running, following the tracks. I know this area, I thought as I ran faster, there's the river and- hold on, is that someone?

I slowed down a bit, looking either side of me, being cautious making sure this wasn't some trap. I kept my guard up, not wanting anyone to catch me by surprise but I froze the moment I saw a girl, lying in a pool of blood.



"Hey! Are you ok!?"

I heard a voice what seemed like yelling but it was faded, probably because I'm about to lose consciousness.

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