Chapter 8

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"Where'd you go old man!" I yelled as I glanced around, trying to see where he'd run off to only to see a pair of feet getting pulled up through a hole in the roof. "Happy!"

"Aye sir!" he answered as he already knew where to go. In a moment, I felt myself quickly being lifted into the air before we were following after Serena's Dad.

Once we got through the roof, Happy dropped me on the top a few meters away from him. 

"So you're Salamander?" he said with a evil glint in his eyes as he looked at me.

"You're going to pay for what you’ve done!" I growled, anger and frustration filled my voice.

"You really think you can beat me boy?" He questioned with a laugh.

"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"



I'd just finished cutting off Serena's Fairy Tail mark, but now, she won't stop bleeding! FUCK! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW!?

"Gray." she spoke between small breaths, I looked down, seeing the pain etched into her face. "Freeze... My arm..."

I widened my eyes at her words. How is she telling me this? She just made me cut out her guild mark and now she wants me to freeze her arm? Doesn't she understand how this wil affect her!?

"But Ser-" I tried to start but she cut me off.

"Gray, I don't care just do it! The pain... It can't be any worse then what I've just been through... Please just help me... I need to help Natsu fight my Dad... I need too."

I looked into her eyes, yes I saw her pain and desperation, but I also saw this need and want in them. She wants me to do this so she can take down her father.

I didn't have any more words. All I could do was listen to her and do anything I could to help her.

So I nodded and did as she said.



These extra guys Serena's father hired are nothing Lucy and I couldn't handle. They are strong yes, but obviously not strong enough.

I took a quick glance out the corner of my eye, seeing Gray and Serena. She looks terrible, I thought as I slashed my sword at the last agent before me. But she certainly is strong. Making it through all this, I have respect for her.

I let out a sigh as I looked around, seeing no more men, allowing me to re-quip back into my normal clothes.

"We need to go help Natsu," Serena spoke up, drawing my attention to her and causing me to look over only to see her now standing up, her wrist covered in ice. 

"But are you sure you-" Lucy started but was cut off by Serena.

"I'm fine." she interrupted with a stern but strong look. "This is something I have to do."

We all looked at each other, as if to check conformation from one another before we nodded and began running towards the roof.



I felt my arm still stinging. It hasn’t numbed yet from when Gray froze it but I don’t care anymore. All that’s on my mind is the task at hand.

Has Gray fallen in love?? (fairy tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now