Chapter 1 : Professors and Mo Mula

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She goes by Mo Mula to the unknown and people at 'work', Morianna if she lets you get close enough. As the song goes " Skin tone like Hershey , body Lord have mercy". Standing at 5'5 with thick hips, thighs, an average fat ass, and C cup breasts, she was exactly what the men craved. Morianna wasn't your average stripper, her chill and blunt persona drove in the men but also kicked them out. If she got tired of your presence she wasted no time in hurting your feelings. Morianna didn't need anyone or anything. You could say she had a perfect family, but as of two years ago, her freshman year of college, she had fallen off the surface of the planet. In other words, she didn't fuck with her family. They just did not see her side of why she wanted to go to college to become a woman of business instead of a nurse or doctor like her mother. Her parents were strict, if they did not like who she called friends, Morianna didn't have friends. This made her become sneaky and isolated from the rest of her family. Up until when she saw not even her siblings were off to give hugs and kisses as she boarded her plane to Atlanta.

Stationed at KOD as a work place and University of Georgia State , she received not one call, email, or page from any of her family. Giving up on hearing from her family, Morianna had to become a stripper to not only pay for a place to live and her next meals, she had to pay for her college tuition. Working 7 pm to 3 am and her first classes of the day starting at 9am she had no time for 'love' or friends. Nor could she trust either. Especially when Morianna could barely trust herself.






" You will have a 25 page essay due on the mechanism and techniques of business in a week . " Zoning out after, Morianna started to plan out her week; work, classes, work , classes, essay ,classes, essay and so on. " Any Questions?" She heard her professor say to the hushed , in thought students. " You are dismissed " grabbing her things she made her way out to her car deciding to go to Best Buy for a new hard drive for her Mac Laptop. Morianna sighed hard as an older white man took forever to get out of his parking spot which happened to be one in the front and not handicapped. After she parked and made her way inside, she went down the aisle of the hard drives and bent down to get the last 32 GB one. Standing up, Morianna caught two eyes looking directly at her from a few meters away. She decided to back down and look away, making her way to the CD area for an upgrade on her music. 25 minutes later she found her self at the checkout line with 5 CDs and her hard drive. Morianna whipped out a crisp hundred dollar bill and handed it to the lady at the cash register. Receiving her change and receipt that she threw into her bag she made her way out but not before seeing those brown eyes meet hers once again.




Getting dressed in her Victoria's Secret jogging suit and grabbing her duffle bag she made her way to downtown Atlanta. Tonight would be busy due to the amount of rappers visiting because of tours. This Meant all the ballers were throwing money they could easily wipe their ass with, while the dumbasses were going to throw money they did not have. Fine for Mo Mula either way. It paid her bills. She walked back towards the dressing room that smelled of nothing but perfume and sweat, she walked to her chair and began to get her mind and body set on a paper chase. Mo Mula played zero games when it came to her money , especially when the hoes there liked to take your cut on the low and lie about it. After dressing in her 6 inch heels, black lace thong, and placing the gold stars over her nipples she walked to the bar to get something to drink. Her distraction from her reality was always a glass of 1738 and a shot of straight Smirnoff vodka. No Chase. Working the floor, basic lap dances, until it was her time to get one of the main stages to herself, she found those eyes again. She took the time to take in the face and body that held these strong gazing brown eyes. 6'1 maybe 6'4 in height, perfect nutella skin tone, full lips, and an average , strong jawline. He could not have been your regular " Hood Nigga ". He had to be more than that. Mo Mula examined his choice of attire . Most Likely Raybans or Versace glasses covered his eyes , a rolex with nothing but black diamonds, Gucci Shoes covered his feet, and he seemed to be matched in Gucci attire. As Mo Mula came out of her trance she realized she had to give the very sexy specimen a lap dance. Not being one to "do the most" she gave him a regular dance. With a small thought he'd request a private show. Not once did the handsome man touch her nor make any emotion . His eyes just sat watching her intently . Mo Mula wondered if he could tell she had alcohol in her system and if she was doing a good job or not. She quickly shook the thought from her mind . Why would she care anyway? He'd still have to pay. She tried to keep only the money on her mind as she finished her dance on the mysterious man. He handed her a stack for just a basic lap dance. This thought clouded her mind. She thanked him in a proper way, unlike the other strippers, and stuffed it in her thong.




A part of her couldn't help but have him on her mind while the other tried to focus on what's important; the Mula.

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