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Hello all! Before you all leave because of my suckish book cover (sorry, first time attempting), to avoid confusion of any type ... the main character's name is pronounced (kerr-ee), like in curfew. And also please, please, please leave feedback. Without further ado, the story begins ;)

Have you ever thought it's interesting? Interesting that just as you hide your feelings towards your crush -- someone is hiding theirs for you?

I'd like to think like that. I'd like to keep hope alive, and believe that someday I'll get to love someone and they'll return those feelings. Wouldn't that be nice?

I slowly closed my miniature pink journal and let out a sigh of relief. For some reason writing little anecdotes seem to lift a ton of weight off my shoulders, and I sure as hell needed that weight lifted tonight.

"Currie! Come downstairs! We eat dinner as family tonight!" My grandma yelled, her broken English is pretty strong and so is her Korean accent.

"All right!" I responded as I put on my panda slippers and went downstairs.

I walk over to the dinner table and sit down. Tonight we had orange chicken and rice, the family's favorite dinner dish.

"So like, what's up?"

"Wae?" She responded to me in Korean by accident.

"I've known you for a while now. I caught on to your little habits,"

I paused my sentence just to see her reaction, she looked pretty confused.

"You only make this on special occasions!" My younger sister, Emery finished off my sentence, laughing while saying it, then all three of us laughing together until granny stopped it with a sigh.

"Well girls, the grandfather gets out tomorrow so ."

Yeah, let me inform you on my grandfather's case. About roughly.. Eleven years ago, when I was seven, my grandfather had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He's been in and out of the hospital since. Actually, he just recently got back in the hospital due to having some pains and all. Who knows if it's the cancer at this point.

"So get rest and get dressed for tomorrow. Emery, no video games tonight!" My granny continued.

"Okay .." Emery pouted as we both got up, pushed our chair in, put our plates in the dishes and proceeded to walk upstairs.

"Ohh and Currie, you do dishes tomorrow. It's all piled up!" My granny nagged but I rolled my eyes and kept walking, pretending I didn't hear.


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