Part 3: The Grey Jedi

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The time had come to rescue Ezra Bridger. Zeb told us that he put a tracking device on the tie interceptor before it escaped with Ezra. "This is a mission me, Satota, and Sabine will go on." Kanaan said. "But what's the plan?" I questioned. Sabine replied "We have a separate ship called the Phantom. That's what we'll use to get Ezra." The tracker led us to a town on Lothol for some reason but we followed it. It led us to an alleyway where we saw him and two people in cloaks negotiating. "Excellent. Thrawn will be most pleased." said the one on the right. "Wait, Thrawn? You told me you were giving him to the Hutts sister." The one on the left was slowly backing away from the other person. When I saw Ezra he was bleeding from a gash on the left side of his chest, his shirt was burned by lightsabers and torn, while his face was badly bruised. "Hey!" I yell. "Let him go or I will personally beat the tar out of both you!" "Oh another Jedi I see. Well then...Thrawn will be most pleased when I bring him Kanaan Jarrus." said the one on the right. "Over my cold dead body." I reached for my lightsabers. "So tell me Jedi have you ever faced an Inquisitor before?" Then she tosses her cloak to the side and ignited a double bladed saber design I had never seen. "Another Inqusitor?" Kanaan said shocked. "I thought we killed the last of you guys on Malacore?" "Focus." I said. "Come Jedi." she said taunting me. "I am no Jedi." Then I combined my lightsabers to become a saberstaff and ignited it. Then when she came charging towards very agile. Every time I tried to strike her side she would always parry and vice versa. At one point we locked sabers and she start talking trash. "You were never strong enough to save Draetos Mandalorian." That's when my rage kicked in. I slashed with so much fury all you could hear was the crackling of our sabers. Then I lassoed her feet but that was a mistake. Doing so she kicked both of my lightsabers out of my hands and slashed me giving me a scar going diagonally across my face. "Tota!" Sabine yelled. I felt the blood on my face trickle down into my shirt before blacking out. When Sabine revived me I saw the other girl protecting Ezra with two teal lightsabers. "Back off!" she yelled. Then I saw Kanaan helping her defend Ezra from the Inquisitor. Her saber started to spin so fast all I could see was a red blur. Then the other girl flips over her sister and stabs her in the back. When she fell on her back a puddle of blood started to form. "You left me no choice." she said under her breath. We all had to leave quickly before those bucket heads would kill us all. Then I blacked out again.

I woke up in my room with a breather on my nose, a heart monitor, and Sabine sitting beside my bed. When I woke her up tears of joy were coming down her face. "I thought I would lose you forever." she said sobbing. "I won't ever leave you Sabs. Not now or ever." Then we hugged. "I won't either Tota." Sabine replied. When I sat up we put our foreheads on each other with her hands on my shoulders and mine on her hips. I would always remember this moment forever.

  The next day would just be like any other rebel's day. Dodge/deflect blaster fire, shoot bucket heads with my rifle the usual. The day after that I interrogated the Inquisitor's sister. Ezra insisted but I still did. "Whatever you're thinking I'm a bounty hunter or was. The point is I'm not bad." she said. "I believe you. You defended Ezra and that was a very noble of you. Go on your knees and close your eyes. Trust and repeat after me." We then recited the Grey Jedi code. "There must be both dark and light. I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi." "What is your name?" I asked. "Ruby Clare." she replied. "Well then I'll show ya around." I showed her the base. Cabins, hanger bay, armory, and inside the Ghost. When I was going to check on Ezra he was doing his usual daily workout. But when Ruby looked inside her eyes were wide, and apparently love struck. "Awwww. Someone has a crush." I said. "Whatever." As I walked Ruby to her room Ezra started to look inside her room. "She is really fine looking." he whispered. "She likes you back y'know?" "She does?" "What are you guys talking about?" Ruby butted in. When Ruby winked she wanted to be alone with Ezra. Then an explosion occurred outside by the hangar bay. It was the Inquisitor I thought Ruby killed. When I told Ruby her eyes were filled with rage. When we headed down the place was a wreck. 17 A-wings in flames, along with 4 Y-wings, 10 X-wings and the whole place was filled with smoke. Then came 2 lightsaber ignitions with a very bright red glow. "You shouldn't have backstabbed me sister. You have failed me, your empire, and your master!" "I'm nothing like you!" She exclaimed. "I am done with the empire along my master because I've decided to join the rebellion along with my new master." "That's right." said a voice I had heard before during the Clone Wars. "My padawan's eyes have been opened. For too long was she overwhelmed by the darkness by your twisted ways. But now I have brought her to balance alongside me." When her face was revealed I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the runaway Jedi that I thought perished during Order 66. It was the legendary Ahsoka Tano. "Come my young padawan. Let's take her down." "As always master." She said in response. "Mandalorian will you assist us?" Ahsoka asked. I grabbed my lightsabers and ignited them. "It would be my pleasure, master." She smiled and the three of us attacking was a fight that I would remember. Ruby would distract her sister while Ahsoka and I would attempt to hit her from behind. "Just give up already. Your efforts are futile! If I die today one of you are coming with me." The Inquisitor sneered. "Fat chance." Ruby said locking lightsabers with her sister. When I slashed The Inquisitor in the back she started to force choke me until Ruby was slashed in her midsection. When I was able to grab one of my lightsabers with the Force I threw it like a spear. It went through her chest and she fell to the ground when Ahsoka split her lightsaber. When I picked up Ruby she was bleeding so bad that I feel it dripping down my arms. When I arrived to the medical bay Hera was there. "What happened and why is she badly injured?" "No time to explain. She's losing blood fast. Ezra! Help us out we need to stop the bleeding!" Then Ezra arrived in the nick of time with some bandages. "Okay stay still Ruby." Hera said. She screamed in agony from the pain. Eventually she passed out. "Get a breather Satota so that I can put a gas that will stabilize her." "On it." "I'll take it from here you guys." As I went to my room Sabine was waiting for me. "So how's the rookie?" "Hera's patching her up. What are you doing here anyways?" "Oh right. Have you ever seen this?" She pulled out the legendary Dark Saber. "How did you get that?" "Ever heard of Darth Maul?" "Oh him." "And on top of that I might reward you with a treat." She told me to take off my armor and go outside. 1 hour later she covered my eyes with a blind fold. Then she revealed to me my newly designed armor. My grey and black helmet that resembled a Lothol wolf, a flame design on my shin guards and gauntlets and on my left shoulder pad said "Bucket heads" with a stormtrooper crossed out and on the right shoulder pad was the crest for the Grey Jedi. The chest plate was all black with red highlights. "I absolutely love it Sabs!" "I thought so. Come here." I went in for a hug but ended up making out. "Are you ready?" Sabine asked seductively. "For what? Oh never mind." I closed the door and man was it good! The next morning I woke up with Sabine with my shirt missing and Sabs' missing her shorts. I felt extremely exhausted and thought "How bad was last night?" I woke up Sabine and she said "That was amazing! What did you think?" "A bit exhausting and very enticing." We got out of bed and I found my shirt while Sabine was still looking for her shorts. Then I heard a CRASH! in Ruby's room. "Can we do this later? Y'know there are people are around?" said Ruby. "Ugh fine. We'll do it in my old tower tomorrow ok?" complained Ezra. "Good enough. I'll catch up with you later hon." "Looks like Ezra's falling head over heels for Ruby Sabs." "Like when you first met me?" she said. "Pretty much." I replied. The next day Ruby and I were devastated to hear that the night before Kanaan was killed when I heard my memories with Draetos were coming back. I could still hear the blaster shots of that day when he was killed. Ruby fell into Ezra's arms grieving with him while Sabs comforted me. Hera didn't come out of her room a week. But when she did Ruby and I were given an assignment to protect the citizens of Lothol because Hera the entire Ghost crew and alongside some other allies were going to launch a full scale assault on the Dome to free Lothol in 3 days. Ruby and I trained with Ezra and Ahsoka to prep us for the battle. I also did some target practice with Zeb and Callus. Then when the mission started I wished Sabine luck and told her "If I don't make it back I'll be with you always." I shouted when she left with governer Pryce. As Ruby and I geared up she said "So you have a thing for Sabine?" "For 1 month and a half it's been working out. One time I caught her looking at me when I was changing in my room." "One time Ezra caught me when I was looking at him workout. Shirtless. It just that he's so cute." "Sabine took an instant liking to me when we first met." "So did Ezra!" We laughed so hard I felt like I was gonna die. When Ahsoka dropped us in the town we got started immediately on evacuation. Then Thrawn's star destroyer battery showed up and bombarded the capital after protocol 13 was sent out. I dodged as many blasts as I could until a building came toppling down on me a few civilians. I was able to force push them until Ruby shoved me out of harms way. "You ain't dying on my watch! I promised Sabine I would watch your back." When the bombardment stopped I knew what was going to happen next. Ezra only told me and Mart about this. After Hera activated the shield 20 or more Purrgils come out of hyperspace with the Ghost. "That's part of the plan?" Ruby asked. "Before you get mad at me hear me out. Ezra didn't want to take this path but it was necessary to save us all." "Wait he's going he can't." "He has to. There was no other way to stop Thrawn from oppressing your people." Suddenly when Ruby looked up at Thrawn's star destroyer it jumped into hyperspace. When Ruby looked at me she fell on her knees and started crying. "He was my everything. But I will always love you Ezzie." I felt guilty since I didn't tell Ruby about the plan. When we arrived back at base she went straight to her room. "Satota I would like to speak with you my padawan." Ahsoka said. We walked outside to the plains where we meditated. For some reason I heard Ezra's voice saying "Go to the outer rim. Bring a team of 4 with you." I gasped for air. "You felt it as well my apprentice?" "Ezra's alive." I said shocked. "For now we must celebrate the defeat of the Empire." And we did.

  2 years had passed since the battle of Lothol was won. Hera had a kid called Jacen Syndulla,(about time Kanaan!) Zeb took Callus with him to Lera San, while Sabine, Ruby, and I stayed on Lothol. One day I told Sabine that we were going on a mission to find Ezra.
When Ahsoka arrived on Lothol to start the mission Ruby asked "Where are we going?" "To find your boyfriend." When we arrived in the old hangar bay it was dark and cold. When Ahsoka lit up her lightsabers Ruby and I did the same. Then we found a body in an old X-wing. It was Ezra. We flew as fast as we could to Lothol and soon enough he was revived and well. "Hey love. How are you doing?" he said softly in the medical bay. Ruby cried tears of joy and said "I love you too." And they kissed. Then there was peace in the galaxy for the next few years. I trained as Ahsoka's padawan for a few months and officially became a Grey Jedi and eventually found balance in the Force.

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