"Tsunayoshi" – Japanese
"Tsunayoshi" – Italian
'Tsunayoshi' – thought
"Tsunayoshi" – flashback
"Tsunayoshi" – cold voice, angry, mad.****
In Ieyatsu school, a certain brunette is having a hard time as Reborn stares at him with such an intensity.
He us sweating furiously. "I dont know, Reborn"
"Who am I talking. Tsuna?, Cielo?, sky27, or Sora? Answer "
He sigh, really. Reborn can be slave driver if he want "Its Cielo, you are scaring sky, Reborn"
He point his gun to Cielo "let me talk to him, or I'll put a bullet in you"
Cielo look at him–no Cielo look like he is not there anymore. He blink and then...
He smile "Sky" Reborn greet him and he cheerfully wave at Reborn, like the gun pointed at him in not real at all. "Why is Tsunayoshi Sawada doesn't have any information's"
Sky blink his hetechromatic eyes, one orange on his right and brown on the left.
"Becasue he is dead, and someone delete the information from the mafia"
Reborn lower his fedora hat, his mind is absorbing the information.
"I see... So, why is Cielo and Sora here in Japan"
Sky look at the sky, they are in the rooftop and its dead silent because its still class time.
"Sora is oder by the Vindice to bring the escapee back alive.
Cielo is order by Aria to stay in Japan for a while with Yuni and Byakuran"
Sky blink, then he massage his head as he felt his vision blur.
"The Serpente famiglia lunch an attacked to the Giglio Nero, many deaths, Confirm.
Aria, Gamma, Nozaru is captured by the Serpente famiglia."
And Sky fainted.
In a certain place, the mug break, startling the others.
"Gokudera, where is Tsuna?"
Broken cups to them means bad omen, specially when Tsuna is out of their eyesight.
He close his eyes, then open them in a few second's "I can't reach him. Its either he is sleeping or he is not in control, I'm betting the later one"
"Bossu is in Japan, along with the siblings"
"Kufufu that's where the escapee head to, right?"
"Hn. The Carnivore is on the mission"
Lambo click his tongue, His brother is really a magnet trouble.
"Let's extremely go?"
No need for a word, they all head to Japan.
*cough* *cough*
"*huff* you know that you will be facing our allies, Serpente"
"*smirk* I dont really care, I have a back up plan"
They glare at him, Aria suffer too much pain and she is currently unconscious.
'Damn you!'
Isario Serpente walk out of the room, after giving them a wicked smile.
Tsuna regain his conscious after an hours, and it look likes the school is over.
Reborn stay in the roof top with him. He look at his eyes before smirking "Dame–Tsuna, how do you feel"
But Tsuna didn't answer him as he continue to throw a coughing fit. Finally, he cough blood and his institution is ringing in his head.
"Reborn, what happen to mom?"
Reborn just shadow his face with his Fedora, the air is tense and serious before it was broken by the door slamming open.
"Reborn!!! We've been looking for you!!"
Here comes Ieyatsu. But Reborn just ignore him in favor of answering Tsuna's question.
"Why dont you ask Sky. and beside, the CEDEF will be coming here in Japan tomorrow"
Tsuna turn to Ieyatsu, they couldn't explain whats happening to their body but whenever Ieyatsu is in his eyesight. they felt annoyance, anger, sadness, loneliness.
He didn't notice that the moment his eyes landed on Ieyatsu. His eyes become hard and cold.
"Greetings. Kuso–gaki, I am a hitman so stay out of my way"
He leave the rooftop by jumping out of the building.
I dont own katekyo hitman reborn.

His life
Fanfiction'why' a single word with a lot of questions behind it. 'why' a word with a lot of various emotions that held in it. people tend to say that "I understand you" and "i will be there for you" but when you need their help, their comfort, they are not t...