"I don't want to be perfect . I want to be crazy ."

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* 6 Years Old *

"Mommy , why's that boy being mean to everyone ?"I whispered to my mom while sitting next to her on a bench at the park . A boy with dark hair was  bullying almost all the kids at the park at that time , and it was scary to me .

"I don't know , Alyssa , but c'mon we're leaving ."My mom sighed back , pulling me away from the park .

When we got in the car , I looked at the boy again . He was already looking at me . He smirked and winked before I turned the other way and my mom's car pulled away .

*12 Years Old*

"Oh my god Alyssa !" Macy blushed .

"What ?"I frowned .

"Keaton Stromberg keeps looking at you !"

I turned , seeing Keaton looking at me . He blushed and quickly looked away , moving his head . That's when I saw his brother sitting at the table behind him . Wesley smirked and winked at me before returning to his story he was telling his friends .

*18 Years Old *

"Oh my god , I can't believe we just graduated !" I squealed to my best friend , Jordin , as we were on our way to the after party . Of course , we got a nice speech by the lovely Drew Chadwick . That was my favorite part and everyone knew it . Of course , everyone also knows about my crush on Drew that I've had ever since first grade .

My car came to a halt , and we got out and ran into the house owned by Mr and Mrs Stromberg , also known as Wesley and Keaton's parents . They agreed to let them throw a party , but they didn't realize that they were going to have over five-hundred teenagers in their house while they were away in London .

"Alyssa !"I heard my name in that familiar voice and my breathing hitched in my throat . I turned to see Drew jogging up to me . "Keaton wants to talk to you . And hey , nice shirt ."

He smirked and his eyes traveled down to my bare stomach . I got the usual butterflies and quickly turned around to find Keaton . I spotted him sitting on the sofa , texting someone with a reed cup in his hand . Alive by One Direction was blasting throughout the house and I really wanted to dance but I decided to talk with Keaton first . So I sat down next to him and he stood up . He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a bedroom , where it was semi-quit .

"So I know we never really talked except that one project we did together , but I need to tell you that I really like you . And I don't except you to go out with me or anything because I mean , look at me ! But , I want to actually talk to you a lot more if you'd like ."

I tried to fight back a smile as I took two steps toward him and hugged him .

"Keaton , never call yourself ugly again . And I'd hope you'd go out with me , pleaseee !"

He smiled down at me and hugged back . It was like that , silent , for what felt like forever but was only two minutes before he pulled away and the door was pushed open .

Wesley walked in but stopped , smirking at us .

"Sorry , just needed some help with my tattoo ."

I was confused but Keaton knew exactly what he meant and shut the bedroom door and waited as Wesley took his shirt off . I couldn't take my eyes off his abs , obviously , and he smirked .

"You can sit on my bed ."Keaton looked at me , nodding towards the bed that was pushed against the wall . I sat down and examined the room . It was split in half and actually looked really cool . On Keaton's side ,there was a few posters and a flat screen tv with a laptop resting at the end of his bed . It was neat , no clothes lying on the floor or anything . But the other half , Wesley's probably , had black paint and was messy . Clothes were lying everywhere and there were no posters . The bed wasn't made and he had a iPod touch , five different iPhones , two different laptops , and a iPad laying on his bed . And his tv was larger and you could obviously tell their parents favored him more .

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