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It so nice that you read this part. We're glad that you didn't hesitate to visit our book club. We are wonder to help you to gain votes, gain many comments and also we can help you to promote your story again and again and again.

Hi I am admin Josh and I am the maker of chapters.

Your looking for an contest? Activities?

Well we have our many activities and contest here and we are glad if you are going to join our parties.

And we just have our rules and regulations here. Simple as that.

#1: No kj's allowed here and if you are not a party goer so don't join.

#2: You must be a crazy and have a big mouth.

#3: We don't need an always active but we need people that can join every contest and activities.

#4: Add this to your 'library' and 'reading list' so that you are updated for every activities and contests.

#5: Follow this account

#6: Follow the admins official account

#6: And lastly add the admins for more informations.

Its simple right? We dont need many rules and regulations for you to be a member. We can't afford you so that we need you badly.

The next chapter is the introduction of other admins.

Gods and Goddesses Club (SSBC)Where stories live. Discover now