A Miracle Happened

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This Is Really Happening~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  We sat down on a bench across the street from the Plaza hotel here in NYC, this snow isn't helping me warm up. "Are you sure this is where they're staying?" asked Veronica. "Positive." I said hesitantly. I along with my two best friends, Veronica & Christina, have been walking around for hours trying to see if we could find them. Suddenly a tall curly haired boy taps me on the shoulder. "Hi, mind telling me the time?" I couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful green eyes. "Uh...uh" I was speechless, Harry Styles just asked ME for the time. "4:15" said Christina. "Uh thanks" he responded. I gave her a dark look. She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m, Harry by the way." "Trust me I know who you are." I said shyly while shaking his hand. "Well then I guess you know who these guys are as well." He pointed at the 4 boys standing behind him. I turned to Christina and noticed her slacked jaw; I then noticed who she was looking at. Zayn Malik. It was a bit obvious. Veronica just waved at the others. I turned back to Harry, "I can't believe you guys are here" "Yeah, well we're performing at Radio City Music Hall in a couple of days' he replied. ‘That’s amazing! You guys must be nervous' I said wide eyed. “I’m not quite sure about the other guys but I sure am". We both giggled, I looked up and noticed him staring right at me. “I’M STARVING! “shouted Niall. ““We haven't eating anything the entire ride here; is there a McDonalds anywhere near here?" "Yeah there’s one a couple blocks away from here" said Veronica smiling at him, Niall smiled back. " You guys wanna come with?" Niall asked immediately. We all shrugged our shoulders and nodded. Why not, I mean it's not every day your idol asks you for lunch. 


 We finally arrived at the McDonalds; Niall ordered almost everything on the menu while everyone else had a fruit smoothie and fries. We all laughed at Niall  devouring  his food. Harry put his arm around me. "I'm really cold" he shivered. He turned and smiled at me. "So how long are you guys staying in New York?' "Just four weeks"  "Wow I thought you guys would've stayed a little longer, I mean it's the big apple am I right" "Do you want us to stay for more?" he asked, I blushed and looked away. "I forgot to ask for your name" Harry giggled. " [Y/N] " I mumbled, he than gave me a wide grin. “Beau nom" he said. I looked at him with a confused facial expression. “I said beautiful name in French"  "Aah".

 We finished our food and walked out; "Well it was nice meeting you three" Louis waved along with the other four. Harry gave me a massive hug. I don't think he would've let go if Liam didn't pull him away from me. Niall and Veronica hugged as well as Christina and Zayn.  They walked away, "I think Harry likes you" Veronica squealed. "No way, he could get any girl he wants why on Earth would he go for ugly old me?" and out of nowhere, I feel someone over my shoulder. "You're perfect,   I was meaning to ask for your number" I turned around and it was Harry. “I’m glad you asked". I pulled out a pen from my bag and wrote my number on his hand. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Expect a call soon". I began to blush as he ran off trying to catch up with the other boys. I turned around to see that both Christina and Veronica's jaws had dropped. "I can't believe it!" Christina yelled.


That Special Call

 I sat on my bed turned on my laptop and logged onto Facebook, I rarely update my status but today was special. "Great day, met someone new". I didn't want to mention meeting the boys because I felt like I would be bragging. I got bored and started looking around my room. It isn't large but it’s big enough. My walls are purple, filled with posters, pictures and what not. I looked at the floor, boy what a mess, a bunch of clothes/stuff piled around everywhere. "I should really clean this up". I just did what any normal teen would do in this case; hide their pile of clothes in the closet. It was 7:12PM and I hear my cell phone ringing. I picked it up and see an odd number but I already know who it is. "Hello?" "Hello gorgeous". I giggled "I had a feeling it was you, so what’s up?" "Oh nothing just here with..." Harry was interrupted by screams, I listened carefully to hear "HARRY'S IN LOVE!” I'm positive it was Louis saying that. I giggled "YOU GUYS!" Harry screamed trying not to laugh. "Sorry about that' “Its okay" I replied. “So um, I called to see if you'd like to go to dinner with me and the boys, well they're going to be sitting somewhere separate with your friends, if they'd  like to come along" "Sounds good, I'll ask them If they'd want to tag along, which I'm sure they will" We both laughed, there was a bit of a silence but I could hear him and the other boys speaking ' HARRY'S FINALLY FOUND HIS GIRL!" and "So do you think she's a good kisser". I gasped. I’ve never even had my first kiss...Harry Styles might actually be my first kiss. "So when are we going" "How about tomorrow, I want to spend the entire time I'm here with you." My cheeks are as red as a tomato at this point. "That’s sweet, sure so I guess I'll call you tomorrow?" "Perfect, tomorrow then?" "Tomorrow" I confirmed. I began to squeal as soon as I shut the phone. This was going to be my first date! Well sort of...


Date Night

 ''How about this dress?" I asked as I twirled around; it was a short sleeved dress, light pink, near white. It was kind of high waist and loose from down, with some black high heels and loose waves in my hair." THAT IS TO CUTE!" Christina yelled. Veronica wore a lavender dress with no sleeves and Christina wore a Red dress with see-through black tights and tennis shoes. We all looked amazing!

 We walked into Le Bernardino. It’s a popular French restaurant here in Down Town NY. "You must be the three ladies the gentlemen are waiting for" said the host, he then directed us to the table where Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall were sitting at. 'Hello loves!" Louis yelled, but paused since he remembered to keep his inside voice at places like this. "Harry's over there" said Liam and pointed to the table all the way at the other side of the restaurant. I walked over, Harry looked up and smiled. "You look...incredible" he said amazed. He has to be lying. “Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" I winked at him and sat down across from him. Harry called the waiter over. “I’ll have the pasta" he said” Me too" I smiled at him, Tagliatelle; Black Truffle Carbonara Sauce sounds good.

 After we finished eating Harry decided to go the bathroom. This is the perfect time for me to fix my makeup. I put on some lip balm, just in case. I looked over at the guys table. They were all looking at me with that 'aah yeah' smirk. I giggled and started blushing, then mouthed 'turn around' they all started laughing. Harry came back. "So, do you like kids?" Harry giggled and winked at me. "LOVE" I said sarcastically. "So, how long have you been with someone?" Not this question, it’s kind of embarrassing telling someone you've never had a boyfriend or your first kiss. I think I'm blushing again. "Um, I've never really been in a… relationship." I looked down and started playing with my fork. "Aw that’s cute, so are you just waiting for the right guy?" I nodded. He took my hand and held it in his. "So if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend one day would you say yes?" he asked playfully, I couldn’t tell if he was playing around or if he was serious. I swear my heart stopped for a moment. Is he asking me now or will he eventually. "Maybe" I gave him a flirty grin, he did the same.   


Sleepover ( That Very Night)

  "I think Niall likes me… he's the sweetest thing" Veronica threw herself on the bean chair. "I think Zayn likes me, he was making a lot of eye contact and trying to speak to me a lot" Christina added. I laughed " Harry was asking me a bunch of questions, I guess just trying to get to know me better" "What did he ask"   " If I liked kids, how's my family, birthday, favorite color....what was my longest relationship and a bunch of other stuff." They gasped. "What did YOU say?" "I told him the truth and he thought it was kind of cute" "THEN...he said something about ' If I were to ask you to be my girlfriend one day would you say yes and I said maybe." "AH SNAP." Victoria yelled snapping her fingers. "Louis told me Harry is really into you, that he thinks you're cute and that you seem like girlfriend material and what not" and of course I started blushing. It then hit me, Harry and I might be boyfriend and girlfriend one day. "What if it gets out, like on the media or something and you get a bunch of hate?" Christina just had to add. It was sort of true. I'm beginning to think twice about this. "Well I'm beat" said Veronica taking her last bite of pizza. They got into their sleeping bags and I got under my covers.

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