•team me, myself, and i•

65 15 18

Tbh this chapter is just going to be me complaining about the worst group project I've ever had to deal with. Feel free to skip it because I'm going to sound hella whiney.

A week ago, my teacher assigned a project worth a test grade (first grade of the grading quarter, too) for Marine Bio on coral reefs. There's a super easy individual portion and then group portion where you create an e-book; both of these make up 50% of the grade.

It should've been a breeze, really. Thanks to living on Guam, I had a lot of knowledge on the subject beforehand. Like come on, my name is Coralyn (I accidentally wrote my name a few times and had to fix it lol).

What made this project tedious is that it requires a lot of researching and citing sources. Normally a group would split up the work and each person would do xyr assigned tasks, but I'm not that lucky.

I have a couple friends in that class who sit on the opposite side of the room, so they had a group full before I could make it to him. Unsurprisingly, this girl who's sat next to me all year leeching off of my work asked to be in a group. I didn't have a choice because all the others were full. The teacher also added this guy who never does work to my group, too.

And oh boy do I regret not speaking to my friends about groups before class.

Let's call the girl Egg and the boy Cheese because I strongly dislike both.

Egg... she copied and pasted Wikipedia answers for each question I asked her to do. I had to redo everything she did, including her introduction and conclusion which were by far the easiest tasks. Who copies and pastes a random article (I actually used that website for my answers which is why I was able to identify it so quickly) about coral reefs for an intro?!

Also, Egg wrote that the New Caledonia Barrier Reef was near France. It's not. It's off the coast of a French territory that's an island right beside AUSTRALIA. That's a whole different ocean!

Cheese has done  n o t h i n g. I have this class in a couple hours, and the kid hasn't even written his "about the author" bit where all you have to do is write 3/4 sentences about yourself. Then he also has the audacity to make fun of my email address like he's some sort of email address name elitist???

Yesterday I skipped school and musical rehearsals (it's tech week and they went over a new act we haven't done before woohoo) to work on the e-book. I started around 6am and finished at 4:30pm. Ten hours of my life wasted because I was stuck with Dumb and Dumber.

I'm telling my teacher about this whole ordeal after class. She's understanding when it comes to things like this, so I'm sure my grade won't suffer from Egg's and Cheese's negligence.


Oh, the musical the drama club is doing is Fiddler on the Roof. It's a hot mess. Actors can't remember their lines, the band conductor is a jerk (first time our school has had live music for a production since.... idek), and the director keeps on telling us crew members that we're placing things wrong even tho in past rehearsals he said our spiking was fine.

The shows start next week.


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