chapter 6:Event Start!!!i found a piece of truth

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3rd person POV
-its finally the day that they have been waiting for....they are excited and nervous. Will the boys ansd girls get along even if just a bit during this event?SO?? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR???LET'S START!!!!
Ashlyn:YAYAYAYAAYY!!!!! I've been waiting for this day!! Gotta prepare for later

(All of the girls are now all prepared and is now in the cor to go school)

Shayne:im so excited!!!


Julianne:where's our dresses?

Ailleen:good question

Annika:oh dont worry i have them

Ryline:oh! Okay then!

Lauren:Girls! I have a question,care to hear them

Therese:oh! Thats pretty surprising,coming from you

Lauren:What did you say!

Ryline:dont fight girls!

Lauren:then im gonna say it,guys what did you think about the question of the boys earlier?

Shayne:if you were to ask me,it's REALLY surprising


Ashlyn:to think they would ask a question like that

Ailleen:we cant let them know that its a bit hard for us to talk to them and we have 2 reasons on why we its a bit hard for us because.....

Ryline:for such good-looking boys.....its only natural......

Annika:that we like to.......

Therese:Pair them together


Ashlyn:im not much of boy x boy fan but if its them its fine

Shayne:yeah! I agree we are straight but when it comes to them its really good

Lauren:and the other reason is because......

Julianne:GIRLS! Cease the talking we're here at the school take that talking later


(Shayne opened the door and they started to come out one by one,when they came out they saw the boys and immediately turn their eyes somewhere else of course the boys wasn't happy about this,they weren't surprised either the only thing that they thought in their mind is that "why cant they talk to us let alone look at us? We didn't even did anything to them" with that in mind they walk  out)

Julianne:lets go girls!!!



(The girls have gone to the gym while the boys ar going to the MP Hall)

Boy's POV

Josh:Man......why the hell the girls keep avoiding us?

Drake:Well its not only you whose wondering like that

Kurt:but you know......their answer is really surprising

Blake:unexpected too

John:i usually get along with shayne but now we dont,every time i talk to her she would just lock herself in her room for 3 hours

Paul:i wonder when they would tell us why

Dale:Well lets worry about that later

Nick:yeah!the event is about to start

John:do that later guys lets go!!!


Principal Rhianne:please make sure that your ready because the event will start at 3.....2......1.......START!!!!

(The people came and more and more people came for the masquerade and the runway butler cafe,almost all girls are in the cafe and no boys because they would just be pissed off and irritated and so to avoid that they put up a sign "NO BOYS ALLOWED INSIDE EXCEPT VIP(its the vice principal)and actuallythe vice principal is assigned to observe the boy's job and the principal is assigned to the girls)

John:we're getting more and more customers lets keep it up guys


Paul:Hey John! This is the assigned job we're supposed to do

Assigned JOB

Butler:       Model:
Paul           John
Blake         Drake
Kurt           Dale
Nick           Josh

Kurt:thats the places we've been assigned

Dale:well yeah

John:then lets work hard and do this job


Vice-Principal Shawn:Wait! Im gonna say something first

Drake:whats it

Josh:Be polite

Drake:yeah sure whatever

Blake:you sure do the job

Drake:well tnx

Vice-Principal Shawn:If you guys had the most people that came into your cafe you guys will have a prize and you can do whatever you want to the girls for a day
(This was also explained to the girls)

Nick:WOW COOL!!!

Dale:You get off your high spirit man!

Nick:shut up

Vice-Principal Shawn:now do your job or your gonna lose

Boys:Yes sir!

Ashlyn:oh wow!

Shayne:seriously this is good

Julianne:i also like my dress

Annika:mine too!

Ryline:why are we standing here at the side

Therese:we got nothing to do  anyway

Lauren:this is a masquerade! When they started dancing our job is done

Ailleen:but if the boys won we're seriously in a big problem

Shayne:then why dont you do something

Ailleen:even if you say that,i dont know what to do

Lauren:See? None of us also dont know what to do

(The time passes and the surprise event is finally done,the boys and girls are in front of each with shayne and john in front holding the board with the number of their customers)

Shayne:dont worry john,should you guys lose and we will think thoroughly to what will we do to you

Girls:Yeah!!!! RUB IT IN!!!!!

John:if we win you girls will ashamed for saying something like that

Principal Rhianne:FLIP THE BOARD!





Principal Rhianne:Boys Wins!!!

Girls:ehhh oh god this is the worst day ever

Boys:hihihihihihiiihihiihi,you girls will be sorry for what you said

           To be Continued.....

Author's note

-sorry for being so slow on update i've been in a slump recently and i haven't got any ideas but one just came today for this chapter and the next one


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