Chapter 3 -No Escape from Reality

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After that, he began getting a different series of injections. He wasn't sure which he hated worse-the red ones that made his skin tingle and crawl or the orange ones that made his nipples sore and his stomach cramp. He also noticed they made him more...emotional. One day while watching a milky white substance being pumped into his veins, curiosity got the best of him.

"What is this experiment all about?" he asked Dr. Neeson.

Neeson was looking at a print out from one of the machines Ursi was hooked up to. "What do you think?"

He rolled his eyes. "If I knew I wouldn't ask."

Imanuel snorted. As usual, he was standing by the door during his 'treatment'.  Neeson looked up and sighed.

Ursi pointed to a bag suspended on an iv pole. "What is that white stuff?"

"Calcium, vitaminD, glucosamine, chondrotin and a few others."

Ursi knew the names of these from vitamin bottles he used to buy from the pharmacy for his grandmother. "Isn't that for bones and joints?"

Nesson smirked. "Smart kid."

"What for?"

Neeson looked away debating on whether or not to say anything. "Do you know what a shifter is?"

His brows furrowed. "Um...yeah?"

Neeson's eyes took on a crazed look.  "We're going to make you one."

Ursi stared at them blankly. They gotta be fucking kidding! He was kidnapped for this?! Some sci-fi, comic book, fictional character?!   Absurd!  He began laughing hysterically.  For a moment, Imanuel thought the kid had finally gone off the deep end.

"You people are fucking insane!   Shifters!" Ursi snorted. " You're trying to turn humans into fucking shapeshifters! Lay off the supernatural movies."

Neeson grinned at him with one eyebrow raised. Ursi's sudden bravado must be a side of effect of his injections. He was a little more aggressive than usual.

"And what kind of animal pray tell will I be?" Ursi huffed. "Some kind of fucking toad?"

Neeson shrugged and grabbed his clipboard. "An apex predator."

"The fuck is that?!" Ursi screeched.

"Like a lion or tiger or bear-oh my!" Neeson put one hand to his forehead and another to his heart in mock damsel in distress fashion.

The Wizard of Oz. Seriously?  Ursi glared at him.  Was this all a fucking game?  "You need your head checked."

"We have successfully done this experiement twelve times. The last successful batch were your buddies." Neeson sported a smug smile.

Ursi's eyes grew wide. His friends were now shifters? No way.

Neeson's trademark sinister smile returned. "There are only four left."


"Left to be turned." Neeson walked over and felt for Ursi's pulse at his carotid. He hummed at how fast it was going.  He rather enjoyed tormenting the young brunette in whatever form he could.

Ursi was quite distressed.  Having Neeson close after what he had just heard was making him more panicked than usual.  "What?"

Nesson whispered in his ear. "You and three other pretty little submissives."

Ursi's head began to pound. He shut his eyes and laid back. The thing he's been saying since they took him began to replay in his head.

This can' t be real.  But he already knew deep inside this in fact was his new reality and there was no escape.

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