strange feelings

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When the team went to the hotel to check in Spencer felt like someone was watching him.

"Hey Spence we have to go to the station." JJ said.

"I'm coming." he said. He went with them but he kept checking over his shoulder. When they got to the station they all stared at him like they were worried.

"Spencer, we have a huge problem." Hotch said handing him a letter.

"What is this?" he said while reading it.

It said:

Dear BAU

One of will be next.

I have sent in a picture of who it will be.

You have been warned.

There is no excape from me.

goodbye ill be waiting


They all looked at the picture that fell out of the letter. It was of Spencer. They all turned to Spencer who was in shock.

"No, no it can't be. He can't go through that again." Morgan said as if Reid wasn't there. Suddenly he ran out of the room.

"Morgan go after him make sure he isn't alone till the unsub is caught." Hotch told him.

"Got it." Morgan said while dialling Reid's number.

"Hello. This is Dr. Spencer Reid with the FBI. I am busy right now so please leave message." the answering machine said.

Morgan decided to call Garcia to track him down. "Hey Garcia I need you."

"Hey chocolate thunder what do you need from me since I can't be there for you." Garcia said.

"No time for that Baby Girl. Reid is being stalked and he is missing and I need you to track his phone please."

"Oh My God. I'm on it." Garcia said while she typed, "I'm sorry his phone is turned off."

"Thank you Baby Girl." Morgan hung up and said "Guys Reid's phone is off.

Spencer Reid Kidnapped (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now