13. | the ensemble

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"Wait, she knows about us?" Rosalie quipped with an irritated look on her face. She was so done with humanity. "Apparantly so. Jacob imprinted on her, she has a right to know about our world as she is one of them." Carlisle informed the coven. Rosalie crossed her arms and Rowan watched the scene unfold silently.

"Right. She's one of them. She doesn't have the right to come running to us." Rowan pursed her lips, seated on the arm of the chair Edward occupied, she looked around at the expressions the family meeting has ensued. "The wolves are about to have a war with our kind. She's just asking for help." Alice said, in her airy voice of childlike innocence. "She's asking us to risk our lives for the enemy." Rosalie fumed.

"Yeah, well we're not exactly chumps with everyone." Edward finally spoke after learning of everyone's thoughts on the situation. Rosalie growled under her breath and the sound made Rowan tense in her seat, a feeling of protectiveness washing over her entire being.

"You want us to fight with them?" Alice asked Edward and the boy quickly shook his head, "No," plain and simple. "But I'm not saying we don't either."

"So you want us to show ourselves at the battle and do nothing?" Unsurprisingly, it was Rosalie speaking once more. What surprised Edward was how silent Rowan was from her place at his side. He placed a hand on her thigh which prompted her to look down on him with a small smile. It faded when Edward spoke once more.

"It's not our fight, but the wolves are nothing compared to a newborn vampire army. I say, we teach them a few things on how to handle the situation."

"And wait for the time we turn our backs and they use it against us." Emmett finally spoke, his face grim. Edward grimaced. Carlisle spoke up, "The Volturi will have to take action soon. The disappearances and deaths would have likely to catch their attention. If they don't stop it, we'll teach the wolves."

Rowan was particularly feeling grumpy. She crossed her arms and mumbled under her breath like a child and Edward sat thinking with a hand still on her thigh. She felt him squeeze her leg to get her attention. "What is it?" He asked her silently.

"I have a feeling the Volturi won't interfere." She didn't say it to just him. She addressed her thoughts to the whole family, who immediately turned their attention to the youngest. "It's the perfect plot. A newborn army seeking for a bloodbath headed in our direction? They'll kill us off. Aro's using the army to get Edward and Alice from us."

"Ro, what are you trying to say?" Esme asked quietly in a caring tone mothers seem to perfect. It was silent for a split second, something like in a movie scene leading up to suspense then to the main mic drop of it all;

"I say we fight."

A few hours later, a little bit after the sun has risen, and after Rowan had explained exactly why she wanted to fight to her big sister, Rosalie (who surprisingly agreed), the wolves and vampires met along the treaty line. They were on different sides of the ravine, the Quilettes all in their wolf form as "they don't trust us to be in their human forms". Sorta handy to have a mind reading boyfriend.

Carlisle did all of the talking, and Rowan distanced herself from the family a bit to stand nearer to the edge of the ravine. A bit closer, but a lot farther from the wolves. She only did so for the instance of one of them losing a temper. She eyed Bella from the other side of the gap and the brown furred dog standing protectively beside her. Probably Jacob. Jacob looks like a good dog.

After Alice and Jasper sparred, it was Edward and Rowan's turn. Sparring was something the couple did recreationally, and for the sake of excercising. This was the first time the couple sparred infront of a crowd other than their family.

They took their places on either end of the fifty meter space, Edward crouched slightly in his role of the "newborn shithead" as Emmett said. Rowan could feel her family and the wolves' eyes on her. Such a frail, small thing. She probably looked like can't carry a science textbook. But what she didn't have in height and weight she compromised with speed. And agility. As soon as Edward made a run for her, intending to tackle her, she sidestepped him casually and made a run for a tree trunk. In her small form, flexibility was a perk. With the right speed, she ran up from the base of a tree and she flipped into midair, legs ending on Edward's broad shoulders. She uses all her weight to twist them around and pin hin to the floor.

She makes a twisting motion with her hands and said, "Oh damn, you dead." Prompting a goofy smile from the boy under her, and a kiss was immediately pressed to her lips. Rosalie saw the way both Isabella and a certain black haired wolf looked away from the scenario. The blonde rolled her eyes at the idiots.

The Quilettes shortly left after the sparring and a few words from Carlisle. The human stayed behind for a bit, thanking Alice from across the ravine before Jacob, in all his wolf form glory tried to push his nose at her back to get her going.

It was slowly approaching the early evening, a little bit pushing after six. The Cullens decided to take turns in hunting. Esme, Carlisle, Emmett and Rosalie went first, leaving the house in the care of the remaining couples. Later, it would be Rowan, Edward, Alice and Jasper's turn. But for now, Alice was busy arranging her closet, Jasper was in the garage and Rowan and Edward were in their bedroom together.

"Okay, let's try it one more time." Edward insisted and Rowan was exhausted. They've been having their go since their arrival at home and Rowan wants to rest. She also wants to feed. "I don't even know if it works, Edward. Your powers aren't exactly as life threatening as Jane's or Kate's."

For the past hour, they've been trying to get Rowan reaccustomed to her powers. Abilities she hasn't used in a long time. Mainly because there was no use for it. Until maybe, now.

"Just one more time, baby. I promise. And then we can rest." Edward pleaded and Rowan slowly agreed, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. "Are you doing it?" She asked, after a moment of quiet passed.

"No, not yet. You look too cute trying to stay focused." Edward boisterously laughed as Rowan smacked her palm against his thigh. Their serious demeanour slowly returned after Rowan pinched Edward's thigh once. They were facing each other, both silent in concentration as Edward put his ability to use. There was a voice screaming murderous thoughts -- all directed at him. Edward smiled a bit. And the same voice echoed about hunger, and thirst. And impatience for their turn to hunt, until suddenly, there was silence. There was silence everywhere. He couldn't hear Rowan's thoughts, he couldn't hear Alice's, he couldn't hear Jasper's.

It worked, as he knew it would and Edward couldn't be more proud. Edward took Rowan's face in his hands, cupping her cheeks before placing a long kiss to her lips. "Amazing, baby. You still got it." Rowan's concentrated face broke into a smile before she connected their lips again, and voices filled his head once more.

words ; 1288
status ; unedited
a/n ; UGH FUCK yes my baby has pOWERS
dedicated to the lovely FanGirlies101
you little seer saw the fUtURE
this update is for u :>

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