Chapter 2

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Hey everyone, Im really sorry for the late update. This chapter is not edited yet.

Alexzandria’s POV

Walking through the forest for a long time, I don’t know exactly how long Trapper and I walked for. The days seemed to blur together. We made a point not to go near cities so that we wouldn’t be spotted. No one ever came out looking for us.

One night while Trapper and I were settling down for the night I heard a something in the forest. I could hear the movements, it sounded like people running through the trees.

            “Who’s out there??” I called out, no one answered. “I can hear you.”

            All of a sudden three men appeared right in front of me. One of the three had grey spikey hair and his face was almost completely covered save for one eye. The next guy had the strangest haircut and wore a green outfit. The last one had spikey hair similar to the first guy only short and black.

            The last guy looked at me and said, “What is a little like you doing in the forest all by yourself?? Where is your family? Where are your parents?”

            I looked at the ground trying not to cry, “They are dead.”

            They gasped. I didn’t look up at them for I did not want to see their faces of pity.

            “My name is Asuma, the guy with the bowl cut hair is Gai, and the masked man is Kakashi. We are ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village. What is your name? Where are you staying?”

            Asuma had a very calming voice to him. I wasn’t too sure about the others. I looked towards Trapper for reassurance; he was hidden in the trees blending in keeping out of sight.

            “What do you think Trapper? Can I trust them?”

            “They don’t seem like they mean any harm and if they do we can take them. That Asuma guy seemed like he really cared about you, maybe you should give it a try and see what happens.”

            That didn’t seem too bad of an idea. Between the two of us I believe we can take them. Even as a five year old elves are powerful. Plus I have the Ocean on my side to protect me.

            “My name is Alexzandria and for the moment right here, we haven’t found a place to stay for good. We’ve been traveling for weeks now trying to get away.” I told them.

            They looked between each other, then back at me.

            “How old are you? What are you getting away from? And who is ‘we’?” the ninja, Kakashi asked me skeptically.

            “I am five, by in my race we are far more advanced in intelligence than most races. I have been avoiding my grandmother, she hates me. I don’t know why though. And the ‘we’ is my dragon, Trapper, and I. He has been camouflaging himself with the trees since we first heard you.” And I motioned him to come out of hiding.

            Kakashi’s eye widened. “You are only five?? You seem much older than what you are. What race are you if you don’t mind us asking?”

            “My mom was the daughter of Queen Islanzadi, the elven queen of Du Weldenvarden. My mom died during child birth. My dad was a dragon rider, human at first but as time grew on he became more elven.” I explained.

            After a short paused Asuma spoke again, “Alex would you like to come back with us to the Hidden Leaf village? It may be a different way of living for you but you can be around other kids your age and have friends. There are many kids there who have many different talents. You could stay with my wife and I.”

            Now it was my turn to be shocked. I couldn’t believe that this stranger would offer me place to live with him and his wife. I’ve never had someone offer anything so kind before.

            “Really?? Are you sure? Trapper can come with me right? I’m not leaving him behind; he’s a part of me.”

            “Yes sweetheart, I’m sure. And of course Trapper can come. There are many other families that have animals with them.”

            I couldn’t contain my happiness. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. At some point I had started crying. He wrapped his arms around me, returning my hug. For the first time in my life I felt like things could finally start looking up for me.                                                     

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