A Sweet Kind Of Sour

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Old fic idea that I've been wanting to find an excuse to use, final edit (before today) on this was done 8/13/13. Thought it fit sort of well with Gerard's recent lemon-hair. Enjoy.


"There's something off about this," the platinum blonde boy stated simply, taking a drag from the burning piece of rolled paper- the smoke dangled loosely between his fingers, so loose he was gonna' drop it if he wasn't careful. I couldn't help but notice how pretty he was, for a boy. As pretty as a boy could get... Awfully skinny, but pretty all the same. "The school systems, the government. It's all a load of bullshit to me."

"Yeah?" I said, putting my hands flat against the sidewalk behind me, leaning back and squinting at the sun. "Yeah, you think so?"

He laughed, loud and clear. Surprisingly smooth for a smoker. "Yeah. I think so. Do you think so?"

"No. I just think you're high off of whatever's in that joint."

He laughed again. "I'm not smoking anything except the suicide I paid for, sweetheart... See? That's what I mean, they tell us we're pretty and that we should stay alive, and then they go and mass-produce addictive ugly and death. It's fucking screwed up, ya' know?"

"Yeah," I said, picking his open pack of cigarettes off of the concrete slab of sidewalk we shared. "Yeah, society is battery acid in it's purest form. Looks pretty, but stings like hell."

"You're brave," Platinum Blonde observed as I lit one of his cigarettes, placing it between my own lips. "Now, not saying I own a gun, 'cause I don't- make love, not war, all that hippie bullshit you probably don't care about- but, like, what would you have done if I'd shot you for taking that?"

I smiled, removing the cigarette from between my lips, letting out a slow breath of smoke and dry humor. "Gone straight to hell, probably."

Platinum Blonde laughed, threw his head back and smiled.

"You're a sweet kind of sour, kiddo."

"The name's Frank Iero," I said, because I hated being called 'kiddo.'

He held out his hand. "Gerard. Gerard Way."

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