The Dinner

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The Dinner

Song for this chapter- Remembering Sunday- All Time Low

Kellar's POV:

"Run, run, run." Michael pushed his hand into my lower back, guiding me down the water slide as Calum and Jade met up with us behind the ride. I saw Calum was holding Jade's hand and I sent her a questioning look but she just smirked and winked at me.

"Come on, the back entrance is this way." Michael led us to the back gate, with Calum behind us, making sure the cops would see us.

"Alright, go." The boys ushered us through the gate and away from the cruiser.

"Alright, we're good."

"Hey, Cal and I are going to go get coffee. You guys alright together?" I looked down at Jade, a shy smile on her lips.

"Jade Tucker, oh my God are you guys going on a date?!" I whisper shouted, my eyes going wide.

"No, shh, it's just coffee. I'll call you afterwards. Love you." She side hugged me and walked back towards where Calum was standing, board in hand, and she took his other one.

"Where are they going?" Michael asked, looking back at me.

"Coffee. First date, I'm pretty sure, but Jade would never admit that she had a crush. Like, ever." I said, rounding the corner that lead to where I parked my car. Calum took Michael's on his date with Jade, so we were taking mine.


"Come on, Michael. Mom knows you, you'll be fine." I said, climbing out of the passenger side. Michael insisted he drive, even though it was my car. Something about it not being manly to have a girl drive you around.

"Fine. But only because you're having lasagna." I led him into the house, and into the kitchen where my mom and Ashton were making dinner.

"Hey, guys. Michael's staying for dinner, is that all right?" I asked, giving my mom a side hug.

"Yeah, that's fine." She said, smiling at him.

"Hey, Ash. Need some help?" I looked over to see Michael helping Ashton lay the noodles out, and laughed when he brought it around to slap him.

"Aw, no fair!" Ashton did the same with the noodle he was holding, giggling at the splattering sounds.

"Well, let's see it." My mom said, drying her hands on a towel.

I pulled my pulled my shirt over my shoulder and let my mom unwrap the clear plastic.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" I smiled, knowing she appreciated it.

"Thanks, Ma." I let my shirt fall back down and grabbed a few plates and silverware, getting the table around for dinner.

"Lauren, Harry, time for dinner!" My mom called, bringing the now cooked lasagna to the table. The kids came running down stairs, giggling, and sat next to each other.

"Hi, Michael." Harry cheered, bouncing in his seat.

"Hey, Harry." His smile on his lips as he sat across from him and in between Ashton and I.

"So, Michael, what'd you get today?" My mom asked him as she served the lasagna, pointing the the wrap around his wrist.

"Just a flower, I needed a gap filled and I really liked the design."

Lauren and Harry were chatting everyone up, talking about the fort they built in Lauren's room. Michael smiled and asked them questions, and making funny faces at them when someone else was talking.

"Alright, guys. You can take care of dinner." My mom said to the kids when we were done, ruffling their hair.

"Ah, but mom." Harry said, pouting.

"Kellar and Ashton took care of it yesterday. You know it's your turn." They huffed and reluctantly grabbed their plates, bringing them into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'll help you guys." Michael said, grabbing his and my plate, following them in.

"Kellar, can I talk to you?"

Ashton led me out the screen door and to the back yard, taking a seat on the porch steps.

"What is it?" I asked, looking over at him.

"What's going on between you and Michael? Cal texted Luke when we were out today and said he was with you, Michael, and Jade. Are you guys dating?"

"No, we're not dating. He's just been hanging out with me a lot lately and I enjoy his company." I leaned back on my hands, looking up at the sky.

"Do you like him?"

"Sort of."

"Does he like you?"

"I don't know.. I'm not a mind reader."

He sighed, rubbing his hand.

"What is your problem? Michael is your best friend, you trust him, why do you care so much if we're hanging out?" I asked, getting fed up with how he was treating me.

"I'm just trying to look after you. I just want you to be safe."

"Ashton, you're acting like a dad! You're not him! You will never be him! Dad's not here but you can't replace him! No one can! He's dead but he's still dad!" I took a shaky breath, feeling tears spill over the edge of my eyes.

Ashton's face turned from defensive and stressed to regretful.

"Kell, I know, I'm sorry.." I turned away from him, pressing my palms to my eyes. I felt him walk behind me and when he reached out to touch my shoulder I pulled away, not wanting to look at him. I knew I hurt him, and I didn't know what to think about all the fighting we've been doing.

I heard him whisper 'I'm sorry' before I heard the door shut.

I knew I shouldn't have brought up dad- it was painful for both of us- but I couldn't stand how he had started treating me like less of a sister and more of a child.

The door slid again and I sighed, my breath coming out uneven.

"Go away, Ashton."

"It's not Ashton."

I turned around to see Michael, I sad smile on his face, the light from the kitchen outlining his tall frame.

"Hey, Kellar."

"Hi, Michael."

"Come here." He wrapped his arms around me, threading his fingers through my hair.

"We're not like we used to be." I said, sniffing my nose, trying to calm down again.

"I know, it's alright, Kell. It's alright."

The sun was down, the sky dark. The moon hung heavily in the sky, and the air was thick. It was no time to be hugging. It was too humid and hot, but I couldn't pull away from him. He was comfort and he was steady.

"Will you sing to me?"

"Sing? Oh god, Kellar, I'm a terrible singer. Trust me."

"No you're not, I hear you when we sing in the car. Sing for me."

He hesitated a moment, tapping his index finger on my back.

"Okay, but only because you're sad." I small smile made its way to my lips, and I waited for his voice to come.

"He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes. Started making his way past two in the morning. He hasn't been sober for days. Leaning now, into the breeze, remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees."

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