Part Two

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Adi's POV-

I often wondered what it would be like to create a meaningful relation with someone. To have someone that missed me if I was ever to dissapear, to have someone that would want me, as I am.
I wanted someone to look at me like I was their world, but there was no pure innocent being that could ever look at me as anything but the monster I was.

I watched Zoya shift closer to the pigeon on the floor, she smiled, her eyes lighting up. She seemed to be the kind to find beauty in anything, she looked up at me slowly, her face paling. I wondered how it felt to know your days were numbered.
I had to ask, what she wanted to do with her life before it ended.
"If you were going to die tomorrow, would there be anything you would want to do, something you want to say"

She shook her head "There is nothing left to say, but maybe go outside, breathe in the fresh air, one last time"
She slid forward "Would you allow me to"
"You cant seriously think I am that stupid, you would run straight away"
"Does ending lives make your life worth it" she bit back angrily
"I try not to think about peoples lives, most people I am asked to kill are rapists or murderers themselves"
She gripped her top tightly "And what happens Mr Hooda, when someone gets a contract to kill you, because you are a murderer"

I hated how she just jumped to the conclusion that I would ever end an innocent life "I have never ended an innocent life"
"But I am innocent and you are going to end my life" she shouted, then coughed, but her eyes still burnt with sheer determination, she wasnt going to give up, not yet
"You must have commited some crime"
"My only crime was that I loved" she closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks, she released a sob that made the bird fly up and out of the window


"Yash" Zoya called, she sat up straight, shaking his shoulder
"Yash, wake up" she rolled him toward her, his wide eyes stared back at her.
"Yash" she whispered mornfully, pulling his head onto her lap, "Wake up, you can't leave me like this" she rocked backwards and forwards, sobbing, burying her face into his hair

"Put your hands up, on the ground"
Zoya froze, looking up "Please, I cant leave my"
"I said hands up"
Zoya put her hands up when Yash's body was pulled from her hold "No" she screamed, trying to grab at him when the gun shot rung out, she looked down at the blood covering her front
Then she was falling, off the bed and onto the ground in quick succession as Yash was dragged away


"They had no evidence it was me, they let me go, then Mahi admitted it was her, she wanted money and she got it, I just wanted to start afresh, I was alone and I had nobody, it was Allah's grace that I even survived being shot" she wiped her tears with her free hand, "I dont expect you to believe me, but have you never felt it"

He didnt realise he was leaning closer, he so badly wanted to understand how she could still smile after her husband had died. "Felt what"
"Alone, that the whole world is against you, that you are a bad omen, that everything you touch is bound to just" she looked up releasing a shaky breath "die" she whispered
He had felt it of course, he knew that feeling all to well

Then she shrugged "I wont stop you from killing me, I couldnt stop my husband being killed, so I cant stop myself from being killed, I just have one request, make sure you know whether im actually guilty before you pull that trigger, because once its done, it will be to late"
For just a second he thought she may not be selfish, that she was good
He pushed his hand through his hair angrily

"So, you want me to find out your innocent, so I dont kill you"
"No, I want you to find out im innocent, ao you dont kill me because you think I am guilty, I have nothing to live for, but killing me might just kill you"
"Oh dont try and act like you care for me"
She looked up, offering him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen, one that lit up the whole room
"Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers"

"After all you've been through, you still believe a God exists"
Zoya nodded "Allah saved my life, Allah gave me a new life, Allah"
He put up his hand, not wanting to hear anymore
"Shut up about your"
Zoya scowled, her beautiful features changing from calm to anger in mere moments "Dont you speak a bad word about my faith, do not cross your limits Aditya Hooda" she pointed at him
She put her hands together "Sorry"

"Sorry" he repeated, confused
"When angry, always be silent, I should not have raised my voice"
Adi nearly fell into the wall at her patience with him, maybe she was innocent, but then of course, it could all be a trick, so he would have to find out if Zoya truly was innocent or if this was a well thought out plan to trap him
"I would like to go to the bathroom, please, and what is the time"
He looked down at his watch "4:20"
"I must pray soon, please can you" she gestured to the other handcuff

"What is left to pray for, if you will die soon"
He leant down, his face next to hers as he unlocked her handcuff
"You are left to pray for"
She stood up, falling right into him, her legs no longer used to carrying her weight
She pushed his arms to help herself stand up "Thank you"
He allowed her to walk to the bathroom and sat down, his head spinning with thoughts of the strange woman in his captivity

She walked out, after some time, "Where are we, just so I know which way to face"
"Hyderabad" he pointed to the rolled up rug on the floor
"You can use that, this floor isnt very clean"
Her eyes lit up graciously "Shukriya"
She turned away from him, grabbing the carpet and shooed him away, he wasnt sure why he listened, but he did

Do let me know your thoughts:)

Also please check out my AdYa FF Love As Red As Blood and my OS Hamari Adhuri Kahaani

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