Part Nine

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Zoya huffed loudly, there was no way she was going to get home before curfew, all the shops were closed and all the places to eat. She glanced up at the Mosque, lifting her scarf onto her head, sighing in relief as she took of her shoes and walked up the stairs. A man nodded at her and she smiled "Jazakallah"

Zoya sat down against a pillar, closing her eyes when she heard a shout "Everyone, put your hands up" she jumped, falling to the side and onto the ground, she peered up at the masked men, all with guns. "Ya Allah, protect us" she closed her eyes tightly as she prayed


"Put your weapons down" Aditya ordered, he lifted his gun, ready to shoot but all he could focus on was Zoya's voice in his head 'We must never bring weapons into a house of any God' he closed his eyes tightly, shaking his head when he was pushed back, his gun dropping to the floor

Zoya watched as a man raised his gun, smacking Aditya around the face, blood poured down his chin as a man grabbed a vase, smashing it onto his head. She had to do something and quick.

Aditya was pulled up, his men stopped "Get the people out of here, don't worry about me" they all looked around, unsure what to do. "That's an order" he shouted as he was pushed against a pillar.

One man raised his gun "You're over officer"

Zoya shook her head, "Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem" she jumped up from the ground, standing infront of Aditya, she faced the gun man. Her eyes closed as she heard the trigger, then the sirens, then she was falling.

Aditya grabbed Zoya, she smiled up at him softly.

"Pagal ho tum" he shouted, making her smile even more "Why do you always have to be the angry young man" she lifted her hand to her stomach, the burning pain slowly consuming her. "Smile, just once, you owe me that, I just saved your life"

He shook his head "No one asked you to Zoya, you were meant to stay alive"

Tears made there way down her cheeks, she lifted her hand, cupping his cheek and with a sharp intake of breath she spoke again "You have people to live for, I have no one Aditya, no one"

He held her tighter, like his life depended on it, like he could somehow save her, "You have me" he whispered, his voice breaking "You had to live, for me, I need you Zoya, you can't just show me happiness, then take it away"

Her eyes began to close "Sab Allah ki marzi hai" then her eyes shut


Aditya peered into the hospital room, the beeping of the machines made his head spin. She should be awake, smiling, laughing, telling him off and preaching about her faith. It wasn't her time to die, she still had so much to live for. He turned, pinching the brim of his nose then punched his fist into the wall.

Before he knew it, he was stood outside the nearest Mosque, falling to his knees "She always had faith in you, is this how you repay her, I never had faith, why didnt you take me, please, if you truly do exist, then please save Zoya" a tear made his way down his cheek, but he couldnt move from his position to wipe it away.


Aditya sat in Zoya's hospital room, the tubes coming from her mouth made him physically sick. She deserved better and it was all his fault. He blinked fast at the shadow in the corner of the room. "Zoya, how are you here when you're" he glanced from the figure now infront of him, to the one on the bed

"You're dreaming Officer Hooda, of me, as usual" she winked "Now come on, you need to be strong, because im going to need you to be strong when I wake up"

Aditya looked down "What if, what if I can't, I lose everything, you are one of the only good things in my life"

"Sometimes I need support to, stay strong, for me, please" then she leant forward, kissing his cheek. He jolted awake, grabbing her hand, he watched her fingers move slightly "Doctor" he shouted


Finding out the movement was probably nothing important had only served to break his heart again. It had been two weeks since she had spoken, and the only thing keeping him sane was that she was now breathing alone. He hadn't been able to move from her side, he couldnt focus on anything but her.

A doctor walked in "So, Ms Siddique has no known relatives here, so im going to ask you a question, do you know anything about the burns on her back, where she could have got them from, because they seem like new ish scars, from the past few months"

Aditya shook his head "Im sorry, I dont, but rest assured I will look into it, but for now, I need some air" he stood up shakily, walking out of the room


Aditya arrived back into the room to see an empty bed "Excuse me, where is my, I mean where is" he shook his head

Then a voice from behind him spoke "Your Zoya is right here" she smiled

As quick as lightning he took her in his arms, spinning her around "You're awake" he cheered

"My stomach isnt healed yet, please put me down" she smiled, then leant up kissing his cheek "Im happy to see you to"

Usually he would back away, but right now all that mattered was that she was here, she was alive and she was safe, he lifted her up, placing her on the bed "Have you been checked on by a doctor"

"Yes, of course, and he said I am fine, anything else" she rolled her eyes

"Thank you, for saving my life, but dont ever do it again" his brows knotted, an angry expression on his face

Zoya stretched her hand out, "Is it true you prayed to Allah for me" her eyes held his curiously, but it was clear to see how important his answer was to her

He swallowed thickly "I told you I dont believe in your" he stopped as she looked away "Zoya, are you crying"

As I have 5 stories ongoing, im updating them all at once so please do let me know if any of my work is lacking in anyway. 

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