Step up two spin off: Chpt. 2

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Chpt. 2

"Okay ya'll, listen up!" Missy yelled. "I think found our replacement-"

"Who are they- how good are they- Are they as good as Andie?" Were some of many questions asked.

"You guys, settle down!" Missy yelled. "I think she will bejust as good as Andie. They are actually cousins. Anways I have seen her dance i think she will do great." Missy said.

"Well who are-?" Moose was about to ask, but then the door opened. They were all anxious to see who would be coming through the door. When Jasmin walked through the door moose was confused. I thaught u don't dance, he thaught to himself.

Everyone had mixed feeling about Jasmin being there. Chace was happy, Moose was kinda shocked, and Camile and Sophie were kinda pissed.

"Missy....What am i doing here?" Jasmin asked, completly confused.

"You haven't even told her?!" Sophie complained.

" Why do you even care Sophie? You just watch so u can be with Chace." Missy replied.

"Tell me what?" Jasmin demanded

"We were wondering, well hoping that you would join our crew? Please, we need another member." Missy pleaded.

"No," then Jasmin walked out of the room.

The Next Day:

They next day Jasmin tried to all the people in the M.S.A crew. She just didn't want to explain herself to them. She thaught she was doing a good job, untill she ran into Chace.

"Why won't you do it? We need you!" He demanded.

"I can't!"

"Why? What's so important!"

"I can't!" Jasmin sighed, then sat down on a bench next to them. "Look, I used to be part of 4.10 with Andie, but my mom figured out and threatened to send me to houston with her, and is she figures out, I'm screwed."

"She won't, trust me."

Jasmin sighed. "I'll... think about it.."

Chace smiled, "Well, if that changed to a yes, meet us in the same room from yesterday after school."

" 'Kay..." Jasmin stood up. "Well I have to get to class. Maybe.... I'll see you later." The Jasmin walked away.

Throughout the whole day Jasmin porbablly had to explain herself, about saying no, to aout eight more people.

After School:

"Is she coming?" Monster asked.

"I don't know.." Missy answered.

They sat and waited for twenty minutes.Camile got sick of wait, "Obviously she's not coming. Are we seriously going to keep on waiting? She's not that important.

"Fine let's practice." Missy replied. She turned on the music and right when they were about to start, the door opened.

"Sorry I'm late. I kinda got lost." Jasmin explained.

Chace smiled. "I knew you would come." Chace said.

"I'm sure.." Missy replied for Jasmin.

"I'm glad your here and all, but for the couples part, who is she gonna partner with?" Moose asked.

"She can partner with me." Chace said with a smile.

Missy looked at Jasmin and could see she was giving her the "hell no" look. "Umm... Camile why don't you go with Chace and Jasmin you go with moose."

" 'Kay." Then jasmin went and sat by Moose on the floor.

"What?!" Camile yelled. "Moose is my boyfriend. He probablly just wants to be with me anyways."

"Fine. Moose do you mind?" Missy asked.

"Not really." He answered.

"Then it's settled."

"ugh.." Camile rolled her eyes.

"Okay, let's start. Moose help her if she needs it. Jasmin you can watch a couple of times, so you know what to do."

Missy turned on the music and they did thier routine once.

"Okay, I got it." Jasmin got up and did the routine like she has been practicing it for months.

Camile was pretty jelous of Jasmin, with her dark red, almost born hair, stricking green eyes, and tall, slender figure.

After hours of dancing, practice ended. Jasmin began walking home. Moose was walking down the step, talking with Camile who was complaining about the whole partner situation. Then he saw Jasmin walking. "I'll- I'll talk to you later 'kay?" Then he quickly kissed Camile on the cheek goodbye, and rushed over to Jasmin. "mid if i walk with you?" He asked her.

"Umm.... Isn't you're house the other way?"

Moose shruged. "Who cares.."

"Okay? i guess...."

So the two of them walked together.

"You were really good today" Moose told her.

Jasmin smiled. "Thanks. Don't get offened, but... Why the hell are you dating Camile?"

Moose sighed. "I know she can be a bitch sometimes, but when it's just me and her it's different."


Then it got really quiet. They reached Jasmin's house. "Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem.. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yup." They didn't know what to do, so they shook hands awkwardly. Then Jasmin went inside.

"Well that could of gone better." Moose thaught to himself.

The Next Day:

While Jasmin was walking to practice, a black truck pulled up. Tuck form the 4.10 came out.

"We hear your with the M.S.A crew now."

"Look it' not like-"

"We thaught you couldn't dance anymore! But no, you left us just like Andie! We thaught we could trust you!"

"Tuck, it's not like that!"

"Really! It's what it seems like!" Then before Jasmin could say anymore, Tuck got in his truck and while he was driving away he yelled, "You might wanna tell your crew to watch thier backs!"

Jasmin started second guessing being in the M.S.A Crew. She went back home to clear her mind and skipped paractice.

"Where's Jasmin?" Moose asked Missy.

"I don't know."

"See? I told you we can't trust her!" Camile said.

"I'm sure there is a good reason why she couldn't make it." Missy explained.

Later that day Jasmin got a text from moose:

"Where were you today?"

Jasmin replied, "Look, I don't think i can do this anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2010 ⏰

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