Rules and Instructions

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First let's start with rules;

1. Do NOT comment suggestions!! (Instructions will tell how to)

2. Do not rush me!! Unless it's been over two weeks, then rush me all you want XD

3. If I make a grammatical error or a character error come to me about it kindly, do not just yell 'THAT IS SO WRONG' - 'TYPO BITCH-CHAN' it's rude.

4. Do NOT be rude in comments or anywhere really.

5. Do NOT hate on ships!!!


Step 1: think of a ship or good character parring

Step 2: suggest it to me through private message(do not be shy I'm nice)

Step 3: wait a little while (couple of days at the least)

Step 4: enjoy your ship!!


If I take a little while it's 'cause I'm either researching the characters (if I haven't seen or played the show/game) or I have writers block.

If smut/lemon is suggested it will take even longer cause I haven't done it before but I'll try my best!!

Fluff is what I do best but I'll do whatever

Remember to follow the instructions or I can't write your ship!!

I will try my best so no hate plz

Ok thx for reading!!! Suggest something!!!!! Baiiiii!!!!!

Ok thx for reading!!! Suggest something!!!!! Baiiiii!!!!!

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