Chapter 7

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After a couple of days you left the cabin and went back to the dorms. You still haven't felt good and had morning sickness a lot. Jimin has been with you throughout the whole thing. You moved into his dorm with him with all the other boys.

"Jimin... I think I should take a pregnancy test"
"Why baby?"
"Well ever since we had sex I've been sick"
"Damn it I'm sorry baby I didn't mean too"
"Jimin out of everyone in this world I would want a baby with you."
"Yes, Jimin I love you so much."
"I love you more baby"

He kissed you and pulled you down to lay with him. He put his hand on your stomach.

"Well, if you are'll have another one of me."
"Jimin I can only handle one of you."
"Let's go pick up a pregnancy test from the store."

After going to the store you went into Jimins room and went into the bathroom. You slowly unwrapped it and took it out. Your breathing hitched as you peed on it. You flushed and washed your hands. Jimin came rushing in with all the boys.

"If it's a boy we're naming it Jin" Jin said.
"Jin she's carrying the child"
"But I raised you guys"
"Shut your mouth"

You picked it up and held it to your chest.

"You guys need to stop fighting or you'll never know"
"Ok we'll stop please show us please"
"I haven't seen it so just get out for a second"

They are walked out and you took a look at the test. It read positive. A huge smile lit on your face. You opened the door and handed it to Jimin.


He ran up to you and lifted you off the ground. He jumped up and down full of joy. All of the boys hugged Jimin and you.

"I can't wait for another me."
"Jimin I don't think I can handle that"

You laughed and hugged him again. After all the boys calmed down and went into the living room. You laid down on the bad and smiled.

"I can't believe we're gonna have a family"

You laid down and put his head on your stomach. You stroked his head and kissed it. He lifted his head and looked at your belly.

"Hey mini me in there. I miss you already and I just found out about you. I promise you you'll have a great life. You have the best mom in the world and a really good dad. Don't hurt her to much because I would hate to see her in pain. But I love you little one."

A tear escaped your eye and you wiped it away quickly.

"Your the cutest"
"I was just talking to our baby"
"I love you Jimin"
"I love you more Mis"

He went up and kissed you. The kissed turned into making out.

"Jimin not today"
"But I have to go practice tomorrow for 6 hours. Can I have a little something."
"I guess you can."
"Yes finally."
"I'm just kidding I don't think I have the energy."
"Your gonna get punished for that."

You got up quickly and ran into the kitchen. He went after you and sat down in the bar stool.

"Hey babe make me some food please"

The guys were all in the living room and Jimin was trying to be sly.

"No baby"
"Can you come here"

You walked over to him and he lifted you on to this thigh. He made you ride his thigh. It made you so wet.

"On second thought let's take this to the bedroom."
"I new it baby"

He lifted you and ran to the room. He locked the door and took his shirt.

"Get ready for some pleasure baby."

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