
20 2 2

They smile

They laugh

You think, "If only that were me"

But what you don't know is how much they hide

Hidden behind that fake façade is a lover who can't love

Someone who is simply alive, not living

Hidden behind their smile is a migraine. And people, the voices in their head saying, "Nobody loves you"

And them believing ALL of it. Wanting so desperately to love and be loved

Behind their laugh, is anxiety and depression. Building up. Rising

Everybody can see, but no one cares

At least they didn't. Not until everyone saw the damage it had caused

The scars. The noose. The pills. The gun

All used to end the pain. Finally

The blood from the cuts and the gunshot mixing together. The noose cutting off the breath. The pills making sure they'll never come back.

Never come back so they can remember the love they never saw

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