Helmet - Peter

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"Peter please, can I please just try it"I ask Peter for what seemed like the millionth time

"No..no I dont want you playing with it"He says

"But why?"I ask woth a pout

"Because I said so, you are not trying on my helmet"

I hugh and cross my arms over my chest. I put on a face that explains"that I dont care about anything so dont talk to me". Because that was how I felt at the moment. I felt like giving him the silent treatment so I did...but not for long.

"Come on, not now dont do this" He says

"Ill do what I want"

"Are you that mad?"He asks

"Yes I defenetly am, I just wanted to try your helmet but it seems like you don't love that much so you said no" I say and hugh again pressing my crossed arms tighter to my chest

"Oh come on, stop that you know I love you"He says and unfolds my arms hugging me

"That I do know" I say and laugh

"And you love me back"He says looking at me

"What if I don't"

"Oh of course you do"He says with a smirk

"Mmmm...no I don't"

"Yes...you...do"He says and pecks my lips after every word he says and we he finishes he kisses my nose and presses his forehead to mine

"I do"I say and sigh happily enjoying the alone time that we almost never had. But it is cut short when he starts tickling me

"N-no st-t-op th-at"I say through fits of laughter

"Say you love me!"He shouts with a big smile

"I-I a-alre-ady d-did!"I shout back my voice cracking because of all my laughter

"No the whole thing say "I love you sooooo much Peter" say it!"He shouts and giigles a bit

"I-I l-l-l ove y-yo-u soo-o m-much Pet-er!"I shout

"There, see that wasnt difficult" He says as he stops tickling me

"It was when you were tickling me so hard" I say as I once again catch my breath

I know notice that were on the floor and hes on top of me. Right when I was going to say something. The Milano opened and Rocket and Groot came in

"I am Groot"Groot says

"Groot you cant be saying those things, even if its because of the scene that unfolding right infront of our eyes"Rocket exclaims

"I am Groot"Groot once again says

"Ah shut it"Rocket says and waves his hand at him"So whats happening here"He says

"If you guys are going to have se-"He starts to say

"Oh shut up we weren't going to do that"Peter says

"Well it looks like it but like I was saying if your going to do that atleast do it inside a bedroom,there are children here"Rocket says pointing at Groot

"I am Groot"Groot says

"Exactly see even Groot agrees"Rocket says

We both facepalm

545 words

A/N-This took a little turn in the end😂

~Google out buh bye!


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