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TEN | Ugh.


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"Ugh. I wish you were in music class," I complained at Minjung before leaving towards the bus.

She hugged me and sobbed silently in a very meme-like way. "I shall miss you thy friend."

I chuckled and messed up her hair, "You didn't say that right. It's okay. I still like you."

She waved at me as I headed out.

When I stepped on the bus.. it was full. Where am I going to sit?



"Come hereeee."


"Come on Ms. Crazy I saved you a spot!!!"


Fine. I made my way over.

"This is a war, Kim Taehyung, " I said with an annoyed tone and dropped my bag between my legs as I sat next to him.

He pinched my arm through my shirt and laughed along with his stupid jock friends.

"A war that I am winning, because you are so easy to manipulate." His voice pissed me off.


I played games on my phone the whole ride. Taehyung was falling asleep slowly at the end since he kept playing and yelling with some other dudes behind him. He exhausted himself from being so extra.

His head swung in every direction, and I was very much expecting it .. for his head to swing towards me.

To my non surprise his head landed on my shoulder. He was unaware of himself, so I just let it be. It didn't really bother me. I kept playing my games.

I heard him snore, and I had to do something about it.

I smacked his thigh. "Wake up idiot."

No movement. Kept snoring. #whatever.

I sighed, and opened up my writing journal. I had some ideas so I began jotting things down as the bus' noise had calmed down. Everyone was tired from the long ride.

Without noticing the fact that Taehyung's arm was wrapped around mine, and that his head was comfortably laying on my shoulder... I was writing as if the world around me didn't exist.

I started getting sleepy.

I laid my head on top of Taehyung's without any realization and drifted off to sleep.


"Hahaha." I heard his voice.

"This is so interesting." I heard his voice again.

Me eyes fluttered open and I let out a small yawn before recognizing my surroundings.

Taehyung was still next to me. He was awake though. We were still on the bus, and my head was on his shoulder. Ew. How?

"What are you-" I paused mid- sentence when I saw my journal in his hands. He is touching my stuff again.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed and grabbed it from his hands raising myself up to a sitting position.

He kept chuckling a bit.

"Your imagination is really dirty, girlie."

I put my journal in my bag and opened up a water bottle. He snatched it out of my hands and started drinking it.

I was feeling too drowsy to react fast one more time. "Please let me drink."

He stopped as he emptied half my bottle, and handed it back to me.

"Can you drink it now that my germs are on it."

I gave him a sarcastic smile and wiped the top with my sleeve before putting it against the mouth.

He stared at me with concern.

"What?" I questioned after I was finished.


"What, Tae???"

"It's not that serious," he said and crossed his arms.

"What's not that serious?"

"Your thing..," he said without mentioning my fear of touch. "It's really not that serious."

I frowned. "Yeah it is..." my voice faded.

"You think it's worse because you've never tried getting over it."

HUH.. why is he saying these wise things to me now?

All of a sudden...

Taehyung grabbed my hand. His eyes were stuck on me. He kept looking at me.

I tried to pull away as anxiety got to me..... but... his grip was really strong.

"Look. We are touching," he said and looked down at our hands.

I felt my self begin shaking yet again from the skin to skin contact.

"P-please," I worded almost silently.

Taehyung let go of me.

Thank you.

I stared down at my hand... I felt tingles... my skin crawl as if there are bugs on it... I felt them. I couldn't stop shaking.

I reached inside my bag but I couldn't find the hand sanitizer quickly. I got even more anxious.

Tears started rolling down my eyes soundlessly.

Taehyung took my wrist and placed a hand sanitizer in my hand.

"Here. I have some," he said.

I put some on and cleaned myself up.

He sighed as he watched me wipe my miserable tears.

"You are crazy, " he said and looked out the window.

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