Tavern Troubles

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WARNING: Cursing and Violence

NOTICE: You will be making a lot of choices from now on.

And this chapter will involve short conversations with minor characters. Hope you don't mind


The morning sun didn't greet you upon waking up. As you open your eyes, you felt grogginess that held you down like giant dumbbells. Tiredness clawed at you on the inside as you rubbed your head. When you turned over to glance around, you found yourself in the same room you crashed in last night. Your luggage and other belongings were still off to the side because you were far too drowsy to even think about unpacking right away. After everything that happened to you, you just wanted to rest and forget the events leading up to this point.

You then pried yourself up off the mattress to check outside the window nearby. The sky held a grim color of gray up above. There wasn't a sign of sunlight or anything filled with color in the air. It was filled with a dark shade as the cumulonimbus loomed over the forest terrain. You let out a soft sigh as you look back into the room you were residing in. Solemness crawled against your back as you realized something...

You didn't wake up... You just entered the nightmare again.

A soft sigh escaped your lips as you begin to stretch out, knowing you can't just lie around and mope forever. It would take a little bit more time to fully recover and adjust, but you had to keep moving forward. After you placed your feet on the ground, you went off to change into whatever clothes you preferred to wear at the moment. You slipped into your shoes and started to head downstairs. Surely Elder Kettle was already awake by now... You intial plan isn't going exactly how you expected it to go. Perhaps the old man might give you some pointers if you ask.

Once you reached the bottom, you can smell the faint scent of something being cooked. You peered off along the doorway to see Elder Kettle frying a bit of food on the stove area. The old man then took the frying pan off of the stove, showing a display of eggs and rice. As he started to make his way to the table, which had a view of a few plates and glass, he spotted you out of the corner of his eyes giving you a jovial smile.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Sleep well?"



1.) It felt great!

2.) I slept okay

3.) Ugh, not too well

4.) Sarcastic Option



Sleep well?? It was probably the best damn sleep you've ever had! You were in a comfortable bed and you got to finally rest up after that eventful night yesterday. On top of that, nothing interrupted you during your slumber.

"Never better! I feel wonderful!"

Elder Kettle then chuckled lightly at your enthusiasm as he placed the eggs and rice on separate plates.

"I'm glad to hear that! Now come along, I'm making breakfast."



In all honesty, it was mostly so-so. You didn't sleep well but didn't sleep badly. You still wanted to close your eyes and catch a few more z's, but perhaps that was just the drowsiness talking to you. Besides, yesterday was one hell of a night.

"It was okay. Kinda wish I could go back to sleep..."

Elder Kettle chuckled as he placed the eggs and rice on separate plates. The look on his face showed that he understood how it felt.

(DISCONTINUED) "Sin City" - Cuphead  Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now