Prolouge: Desire Only Makes A Man True To Himself,

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There’s No Place I’d Rather Be.

Picture Originally Edited From: Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi’s Manga: The Case Of Onodera Ritsu

Fanfiction by: ArisaArisaChan( some scenes from The Series )


Title: “There’s No Place I’d Rather Be”

Type Of Fanfiction: An on-going story

Author: ArisaArisaChan(Wattpad), Ta Chan( FaceBook, Cosplay )

Warnings For: Yaoi Romance, Other R 18 scenes to the next Chapters, Drama, Swearing.








Prolouge: Desire Only Makes A Man True To Himself,


Ritsu’s eyes widened at the caller’s response. “W-what do you mean you need me and Takano-san for a meeting!?”

“I.. I’m sorry for intruding, but you are the only people we can approach for now. Yokozaka-san is too busy with checking the sales to the other stores. It’s only up to you for attending as the Maiden Group—Ah! I-I mean Your Group’s representatives!”

Ritsu couldn’t believe this. Rather than almost getting home for sleep today, he has to attend a meeting with Masamune!?

‘No way!’
‘I need to calm down! I need to calm down!’
‘This sin just a meeting! It’s still office hours! B-but It would just embarrassing to be next to him at the meeting!’
‘What now..?’
‘N-no.. I should just say Masamune can come and I can’t—’

“Onodera-san? Onodera-san??”

“Eh. Eh. E-eh. Eh. Eh.” With his thinking fighting and about, he didn’t noticed that he wasn’t clearly responding to the caller. But before he could say anything now that he gained his sanity, Masamune was already there beside him, taking the call to response.

“Yes, Yes, I’m sure we will attend. No, no, There’s no need to cancel right away. Thank you.” Masamune then placed the phone to it’s case, and looked dully at Ritsu, who did nothing but fume in anger.


“What was that for!?”

=== TimeSkip ==
“Don’t you think we should add more advertising To the manga!?”

“Ahaha!  You think you can just do that!? Think about the money we will be wasting! It will be a failure and we will be blamed off!”

Ritsu uncomfortably moved around his seat as the people around, including Masamune, were fighting. ‘Man.. This isn’t going to work..’ He thought to himself, as he stared at his notes. Actually, he didn’t wrote anything since everyone was starting to argue on the same thing over and over again.

“Well I don’t see anything your friend say anything at all, Takano!”

All eyes went to Ritsu once he was stated by that woman. ‘Wrench.’ Ritsu thought to himself. He blushed in embarrassment once the attention got him. “U-uhh..” He said quietly, as he flushed even down to his seat.

Masamune then slammed his hand on the table. “We shouldn’t be doing this! We’re wasting time!”

Then the argue was back again.

‘Phew,’ Ritsu sighed. ‘That came in handy..’

Let him re-phrase that. Masamune came in handy.




“I’m heading off!”

“Good Luck, Rii-chan!”

Ritsu sighed to himself in relief. Today, he wasn’t going home with Takano today due to some proposals. ‘Ahh,’ He thought and smiled. ‘I can finally sleep in peace!’

Once he got home, things aren’t such great as he was supposed to wish.

A man, six foot tall. Was rummaging through his things while wearing a mask to cover his identity. This was a robber!

“H-hey!” Ritsu exclaimed, “What are you doing!? Get out!”

But with no luck, a bat accompanied the man. The robber then narrowed his eyes and readied his stance.


Then it was all black.

**Author’s Note**

Hi! Nice to meet you all again! My name’s ArisaArisaChan!
Thank you so much for picking to read my new fanfic about Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, “There’s no Place I’d Rather Be”!

It’s been A while since I was in my hiatus. And due to no more inspirations and too much writer’s block, I’ve decided to discontinue my On-Going Story of Hetalia Axis Powers “Dance With Me”.

And no need to be shy on giving out your opinions and criticism! I would Love to hear your thoughts about the new story I’m making!

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