To Hogwarts

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😵OK This is my first book so it might be quite bad!😆 Comment and Vote!!✨

                                                                                                                       -  Louci  ❤

Hermione's POV

OML Harry, can you believe it. We survived our years at Hogwarts! Finally out last year and of course I am sorry you did not make it into Head Boy. I know you tried your really best. But I still don't know who is head boy, your like the best in our school. The boy who lived, and who is in the Golden Trio, Dumbledore's army and lots more! Who would be better than you?

I know said Ron, whose mouth was stuffed with lollies. It has to be someone from- Not out House- We asked everyone in out house. No one, no one said they was the Head Boy.  

Ron, I snapped. Quit eating with your mouth open, you have been like this since out first year not as head girl I believe we need to get out robes on and get ready for out first day at out last years at hogwarts. My eyes got teary. This school has lots of memories of us like when Me Ron and Harry defeats Voldemort, when i got head girl and when "RON" broke up with me last year. I do not want to recap that. Horrible times!

Harry's POV

Another year at Hogwarts. I really hope Ron and i stop getting in trouble. in out first year me and Ron got in trouble of not listening in class and in our second year me and ron was totally late to out first day at Hogwarts and Ron was actually flying his father's car in front of muggles. Our third year was horrible, Me, Ron and Hermione got in trouble because we were walking to the forbidding forest at dawn. I know it was partly my fault. i forgot my invisible cloak which we lost 100 points each and got detentions. But that's the past. Now I am not quite excited going back to Hogwarts. With seeing my long time enemy Draco Malfoy, His Goons, pug face Pansy Parkinson and Lavender Brown- Her crush is Ronald Weasley. She stalks him and tries to sit with us last year which annoys me really much. *Not funny-*

Ronald Weasley's POV

Ahhh, relaxed another year at Hogwarts. i am happy i don't need to see my annoying brothers again so happy. i am truly happy Hermione made Head Girl. She totally deserves it. My ex- crush. I'm not going to say girlfriend because she wasn't really but i treat her as my friend. So as i was saying she deserves to be Head Girl. The person who studies the most, visits the library every day and gets 100% in every tests and the teachers favourites, she totally deserves Head girl. But who was Head Boy, Not Harry or me for certain. Harry was disappointed. Really disappointed. He keep telling me, why, why WHY wasn't he the Head boy. I actually don't know why. He saved out school, killed Voldemort he done everything. But i guess it's not fame that matters maybe smartness?

But enough talking about Head Boy and Head girl now about Hogwarts. It was sad last year, War and war. But this year all I can think of now is food. Chicken, Pasta, Jelly, Kidney Pie. Yumm. Me Ron also known as the eater of the group ( the Golden trio). I love food but not is the time to get change! 

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