At School

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Hermione's POV

As we were walking to our common rooms I felt a hard tug on my shoulder. Oh,  - Alyia Martin, a girl In out grade, that's in Slytherin. She came here last year. I have never actually talked to her so I don't know if she is nice or not. One thing I know is she steals everyone's heart and a total frenemy of Pansy Parkinson. As you know Pansy loves Draco Malfoy also known as the ferret but Malfoy has an eye on Alyia not the Pug- face. She sneered at me and said rudely Granger, Mcgonagall wants to see you. You better hurry, your LATE. You are going to miss out some spicy stuff. I rolled my eyes

I was surprised she did not call me " Mudblood" of  " Dirt" because every person in Slytherin calls me those names. Despite born with muggle parents, I was not like the rest of the pure- Blood students so I am quite different.  I-I u-uh-h, I am going now thanks, Martin. 

Alyia's POV

Tell the Mudblood to come to Mcgonagall's office now, thanks Alyia. He whispered in my ear and be quick. That was the Head boy. I tried to find Granger. When The Head boy said Mudblood, I didn't like it. I am pure- blood but I liked Granger. Even thou I am in Slytherin, the best house ever I did like the Granger girl. Smart, Nice Pretty. But I never got to talk to her. I know her weakness- Slytherin Girls-. But not Boys. In third year Draco told me that she punched her in his face. I laughed in my head hoping Draco won't know I think his dumb. But that was funny.

So I saw into Granger. She was walking with Saint Potter and his little sidekick, the Red Haired dude. I hate both of them but I only like ( but not very much) Granger. The Saints Potter's sidekick's sister, another Weasley was behind them with her little friends. I hate that Weasley girl. She steals all the Attention and always a show-off and keep saying How delighted she is to be Scarheads girlfriend. But enough about that I saw Granger and tugged her ruffley to know it was a slytherin messing with her. There were lots of Slytherin always following me so I couldn't N-I-C-E to her as you know, Slytherin and Gryffindor did not get along so I sneered in my harmful voice and said  Granger, Mcgonagall wants to see you. You better hurry, your LATE. You are going to miss out some spicy stuff. I actually don't know why but she seemed surprised I did not call her mudblood. So as my fellow mates, they said Granger seriously call her mudblood. In ignored Granger and my friends and just went to class.

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