Seen- Chapter 4

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As promised, another chapter. Woooo! yeahhh! Kot your the awesomest! I know I know. On with da story!

Tyler's POV
Before Mak's Tantrum

I'm running through the woods, the trees looking like blurs as I'm passing them. "Woo! It feels good to finally get out! Am I right Joss?" I ask my wolf. 'Ha! Yes it is. It would be better if you let me have control...' "Ok." I keep running as I let him take over. One second, my bones are cracking and reforming the next I'm a wolf.

I let him take more control as he weaves through the trees, feeling the cold afternoon air hit me.

He stops near a pond and take a drinks. I take back control and lay by the water. I look at my reflection and examine myself. I'm a blonde wolf with almost golden eyes. It would be all the way golden if I didn't have the brown on the outer edge of them. My dad says I got them from his mother and got the hair from his father.

As I'm thinking about my grandparents I start thinking of my mom. I rest my head on my paws and look up at the sky. I miss her. How she used to make me and Jack cookies when we got home from school, sing us lullaby's when we had trouble sleeping. A slight tear rolls down my snout.

I stand up and shake myself. I'm gonna be strong for her, for Sarah, and for Mak. As I have these thoughts, I get a connection from my dad. 'Mak got mad that were moving. He ran into the woods, keep an eye out.' 'Ok, I'll be back with him in a second.'

I sniff around, trying to catch his scent. I should've picked up his scent by now, I am the best tracker in the pack. That's weird... I walk around the woods some more sniffing for awhile then, after no luck, go turn back. He'll be back eventually. I shift back and get one of the spare shorts hidden around the forest.

I walk into the house and see dad pacing around in the living room, mumbling to himself. Jack is on the couch looking at him. When they notice I'm here, they look up.

"Did you find him?" Dad asked concerned. I look down, "No, he would probably be back soon. He just needs to-" I suddenly hear a crash.

I look up to see the coffee table, near the center of the room, was flipped over and broken. Dad curses and runs his hand through his hair. I look in his eyes and flashes of emotions. Frustration, worry, concern, and one I haven't seen in a while. Fear.

Jack looks the same way. "What's wrong? What happened?" Jack looks up, "We need to find Mak. That's what's up. It's urgent." "What happened-" "Hunters." Dad says coldly. "They've gotten worse. When we thought they were gone, they sent a message." Dad walks towards the TV and picks a piece of paper up. He hands it to me, "Read it."

I read the letter and rage washed over me:

Dear Blake Greyson,

Long time no see friend. I've missed you. How have you been? How's the wife? Oh! That's right, she's dead. I almost forgot that I killed her. I will continue doing that to the rest of your kind until there are none left. But first, I'm going to start with your family. I'm going to kill off everyone you've ever loved. First, it was your wife. Next, how about your children? How about... That Mak boy? I would advise you not to leave him alone. His werewolf powers didn't kick in yet, the little runt. I don't know... What if he's dead right now? As your reading this letter he is breathing his final breath. How would that feel? Horrible, he is the prophet after all. If he isn't, say hi to the fella for me, won't ya?

---Sincerely, Omega

I growl out loud after reading it again. "That's why we need to find Mak. Sarah is at Kate's." Jack says as he stands up. Kate is our aunt. She's my dad's younger sister. She's about 26.

"I'll go look for him again." I nod and start talking to Dad about the moving plans. Jack starts walking towards the door then suddenly, he stops. "Do y'all hear that..." Me and dad go silent. "No... I don't hear anything." I say slightly whispering, just in case.

"I'm probably being paranoid." Jack suddenly shifts into his wolf, ripping his clothes. 'I'll be back, with Mak' And with that, he was out the door.

"I'll go see if Sarah is ok, then ill be looking to-" Before dad could finish his sentence, men in masks came bursting through the windows and through the doors. Dad shifts to his wolf and I get in a fighting position.

One of the men stepped forward, and stood a good 6 feet away from us. "Blake, Tyler, I've heard so much about you two. It's been awhile." He says in this creepy voice. God, he sounds like he means real business. Also, What does he mean by 'Its been awhile'

"Who are you? And what are you doing in this house?" I ask the guy.

"Aw Tyler, Do you not recognize your Uncle Marko?"

Author-Chan: Heyyyyyyyy Guys and Galssss, it's your gurl, back at it again with the white vans. But, seriously, Heyo everyone! How's life? Good? Bad? Well, I hope your doing good because summer is the time for lazing about until the last minute when you realize school is tomorrow and you need to buy clothes because your first day defines your whole year and all that. I definitely won't do that pfft. There be more updates don't you worry. Until the next chappie, peace!

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