Ripoff Bootleg Character - Chapter 5

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"Who?" I ask confused

"I'm not surprised that you don't remember me, the last time you saw me was when you were about 2." He says while deep in thought.

"I'm pretty sure I would remember a voice like yours." I say, "Also, did you say your name was Marco?"

"Yes I did Nephew, Marko with a K, Why do you ask? Have you seen me before?" He ask in this really evil voice. God, I wonder... I start to imagine something.

"What is it Nephew?" He says casually and so calmly like he's here for dinner and totally doesn't have men with masks on that look like they are from the purge surrounding us.

"I was just thinking about what Marco Diaz from Star vs. The Forces of Evil would be like if he had your voice. You sound like his ripoff bootleg character." I laugh at the thought. My dad, still in wolf form, looks at me with a confused face.

Marko looks at me confused also, "Who is this Marco Diaz, sounds foreign." He starts to think. "I would love to here more but that, alas, is not the reason I'm here." He says

My dad starts to growl lowly. "Why are you here?" I ask.

He starts to slowly walk towards us and I get into fighting position again. "I was sent by Omega. I'm sure he has sent a letter, yes?" He asks.

How does he know about Omega? And how does he know he sent a letter? Didn't we just get that? Come to think of it, they came right after Jackson left. Why's that? We're they watching somewhere nearby? Wouldn't the patrol alert us?

As I'm thinking of questions and answering them with more questions, Marko has gotten fairly closer to us. My dad looks as if he's going to pounce at any second, Marko looks at calm as can be and, the guys with the purge masks are watching our every move.

"I'm sure you two have many questions and-" He stops talking and his eyes cloud over for a second. He looks at us with a smug face. Jezus, I have goosebumps. "Actually, change of plans, I really wish I could stay and chat but, I have to go." He turns to leave.

"HEY!" I exclaim, "You can't just come busting in here for no reason and expect me not to say something!" He stops.

I start to walk towards him. "I'm not letting you leave until I hear an explanation."

He chuckles darkly and says over his shoulder, "Is that a fact, Nephew?" God, he said that so threateningly that I'm most likey visibly shaking. I have Alpha blood in me and even to me, his voice is really powerful. "Y-Yes, it is"

He gives me a dark look and if looks could kill, I would be ten feet under. He snaps his finger and he continues to walk out, "Hey-" As I am about to say something the purge men shift and start growling while advancing to me and my dad. I curse under my breath and shift, ready to fight.

There isn't a lot of men. Only about 10 or 12 of them... Now that I thin about it that is a lot. One blonde and two grey wolves stalk towards me, looking for the right moment to strike. The blonde one is smaller than the other two and isn't threatening at all. One of the larger ones have a couple scratch marks on his face. I glance over at my dad and see him taking on four wolves. He doesn't seem to be having any trouble. The smallest of the wolves was coming towards me and jumps to attack me. I dodge the attack and bite his leg in which he whimpers in pain. The other two rush towards me at the same time and I realize the wolf that bit me was a distraction. By the time I realize that, its too late. Scarface bit my neck and the other scratched my side. I get the other wolf of me by scratching him back but, Scarface is still on my neck clamping down harder every time I move.

He manages to pin me down and it seems like the end of me until a black blur pushes him off. Scarface gets slammed against the wall by my dad and he stands over me protectively. Scarface gets back up and regains his posture. All the other wolves start to come towards us until we all hear a howl. Scarface looks up then nod at the others. 'We'll finish this later' He mind links us then all the other wolves leave from where they came. Except for the one I bit in the leg. As Scarface leaves, the small wolf seems to be mind linking him. Scarface growls and leaves out the way he came.

"Oh they aren't getting away that easily. Tyler take that one to the a prison cell, we'll talk with him later. Also search the house and see if you can find anything about how they got in and why no guards came." "Yes Alpha." I say back. Dad goes out and chases after the purge wolves.

I turn to look at the wolf on the ground. Now that I have a better look at him I can see multiple scar marks and wounds that haven't healed right. I can tell he's an omega by him submitting as I'm walking up to him. I growl for him to get up and follow me. He tries to stand but, he ends up falling again because of his leg that I had bitten. I growl again and this time he stands on three of his legs.

I shift and change into some boxers nearby and I lead him towards our pack prison under the house and notice that none of the guards are here. "Where are they?" I think out loud. Blondie looks away and tries to keep up with me as I lead him towards his new cell. "I get the feeling you know?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, "Don't worry we'll get it out of you later, go in here." I open the cell that we're in front of.

He goes in and lays on the floor. "Shift." I command him. He does that and shifts. He looks about Mak's age, maybe older, and has blonde hair, of course. As in saw on his wolf, he has numerous scars and wounds on him that don't look like they're going away soon. I throw some shorts towards him and close the cell. "What's your name?" I ask him. He mutters something, "What?" "R-Riven" He says quietly. "Well Riven, Welcome to pack RedEye."

I don't wait for a response and leave the prison room and go to the kitchen. I get a bottle of water and look around. "This place is a mess" I think to myself. "You can say that again..." My wolf tells me. I take off the boxers and shift to search around for clues or anything that can give me answers.

I think of searching the outside but, for all I can know, they could still be out there. They could ambush me and take Riven back and he's, for right now, our only source of answers.

I look around and see everything is a mess. Things are flipped over, stuff all on the floor, it looks like a hurricane came in here. I go upstairs and start sniffing in a corner and get a scent of something. It smells familiar... I then hear a


I turn around, ready to fight and see Mak. A wave of relief washed over me as I saw Mak standing there, safe and sound.

I start to walk slowly towards him to see if everything was alright then I realized I'm still in wolf form. "Crap." I think.

As I'm walking towards him, he steps on to a piece of glass and cuts his foot. I stop moving towards him and mind link Blake, "Jackson, Mak is here and he saw me in wolf form. I need to go but, it's not safe for him to be alone." "I'm on my way."

I look at Mak on more time before running out the door. I try to mind link dad but fail. I'll go and guard the Omega until everyone gets here.

Author-Chan: I SPENT LIKE 3 HOURS ON THIS. WOOOOOOOO. There will be more so look forward to that. Omg new Characterssss because why not. I was stuck on names so I just asked some people I know to give me names. Marko was from Marco and Mark since I couldn't decide I was just like... WHY NOT JUST PUT THEM TOGETHER!!! Riven was suggested from those same people and I literally downloaded a random generator app put the names they suggested in it then let that choose. That's how Riven was born into this heck we call liFE. The next part will be out soooooooon. After I take a break and watch some youtube.

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