Prologue; the Meeting of Monsters

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A/N: Neither Attack on Titan or Akatsuki no Yona belong to me.

Seiryuu walked through the tunnels of the mountain that housed his village, heading towards the chamber that he called a home. The only sounds accompanying his footsteps was the jingle of the bells on his mask and the chitter of Ao on his shoulder. His hand rested on the hilt of Ao's sword, and he pursed his lips.

He rounded a corner, and stopped dead in his tracks. There, in front of him, was a young man he knew to not be a villager. Short brown hair, tanned skin not seen on anyone in the village, and the eyes and expression that Seiryuu had seen many times on Ao: hardness, deadness, the eyes of someone who faced trial after trial with no recognition, no care. Seiryuu knew that he himself would look like that one day, to the next Seiryuu. The boy was also wearing clothes unlike any he had ever seen before. White leggings with strips of leather wrapped around his legs; a leather harness wrapped around the white shirt under a short brown jacket with a strange insignia; two strange boxes at his hips filled with strips of sharpened metal and two handles; boots that went to below his knees. Then, the boy closed his eyes, and collapsed.

Seiryuu sighed, noticing the spreading patch of red on the tunnel floor, and Ao chittered as Seiryuu bent down, grabbing the boy and pulling him over his shoulder. He hauled the boy into his cavern, and set him on the floor. He yanked off the boy's shirt, tutting slightly at the wound on his side, which was incredibly shallow, before rapping the boy in bandages stolen from the villagers.

Seiryuu decided that he would ask the boy if he meant the villagers harm when he woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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